Party fail😼

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Mattias PoV
"So much for bro code" I said

Ale:"sorry bro it just happened in the moment and she saw u kiss some girl so you know"

Mattia:"it's cool I mean I'm not dating her or anything. I don't even like her that way"

Alejandro:"you do like her though"
I sighed then leaned on the sink.

Mattia:"yeah but it's too soon like I barely know her"

Alejandro:"well you just admittted to liking her"

Wow I didn't realise that I acctually have a crush on her damn.

Ale:"well sorry again but she's a great kisser"

Mattia:"oh I know she is"

We both smirked then walked out

Layla PoV

So turns out Liam wasn't looking for me and mattia just wanted me out the room.

I was trying to find jade or Liam but instead I bumped into William.

"Oh great" I mumbled

William:"what are you DOIng here and is your ghetto friends here too"

Me:"okay firstly none of us are ghetto"

William:"whatever just leave please I don't need this party turning into anything more than a party"

Me:"you want me to leave?"

Mattia:"no you can stay"
Mattia walked next to me and folded his arms, he gave William a very intimidating stare

William:"fine stay , ghetto"

He sighed then walked off.

"Thanks" I said to Mattia with a straight face.

He then went on and PUSHED me into the pool. I didn't even notice how close I was to the edge.

He bent over and laughed, he pulled his hand out to help me get out but instead I dragged him in.

Mattia:"I have my phone on me stupid" he yelled

Me:"well don't push me in first"

We both laughed and started drowning eachother.

We played in the pool for a while and forgot there was other people around us.

We swam to the little water fall and stayed under it. His arms were around my waist and my legs were floating around his stomach. My arms were around his head and our faces were though far apart we was very close.

Me:"so who's the gurl you was digging your tongue in earlier" I asked

Mattia smiled

Mattia:"just a a girl who's not from
This town and her lips were very attractive so I kissed them"

Me:"Alejandros lips were very attractive too"

Mattia:"okay lets not bring the fact that you kissed my best friend please"

Me:"well don't bring up other girls lips to me"

"Fine" we said

He spun me around then placed his lips on mine gently. Just like out of a book it was magical. His lips on mine, the way our bodies were in the water and eventhough everyone was probably staring at us we felt like the only people in the world. We both pulled away and I started blushing so I hid my face.

Mattia:"oh no are you blushing, I hope your not catching feelings for me"

Me:"well if you don't stop kissing me then maybe I might have to"

Mattia:"your beautiful"

Me:"stop changing the subject"

Mattia:"sorry. I like you I really do but I'm just not ready for a commitment"

Me:"jesus relax I'm not asking for marriage ,it's fine I get it I honestly feel the same."

Mattia smiles and pulled me closer.

Mattia:"just friends?"

Me:"just friends"

We smiled and hugged.

As we was swimming back to the surface we heard liam nd William yelling at eachother.

"No not again" I said

I ran to Liam and stood next to jade.

Jade:"there you are omg they've been arguing for so long now"

Me:"about what"

"Liams sister and well you" jade said

Liam sister Brianna and I have somethin in common we was both cheated on by the same guy. Thomas who is Williams brother. Just great right😆😆.

"Okay shows over Liam lets go" I said stepping in between them.

"Or what you gunna hit me princess" he said looking down directly into my eyes.

"I don't hit bitches like your brother so no but i Will" I took a smoothie from jades hand and poured it on his head. Everyone started laughing quietly and whispering.

I liked William once but after what Thomas did to me his whole family turnt against me like I was the issue???

William got pissed and attacked Liam. They started fight and Liam was mostly getting the punches. Me and jade started destroying his tables and throwing things in the pool.

We popped their balloons and floaties. Liam knocked William out a and walked to us. He had blood dripping down his noise but his face was fine. Everyone looked at us with fear but enjoyed that look.

"Poor William in his own house he's getting destroyed boo boo" jade said

We left his house then ran to jades and hid in her backyards treehouse.

We all laid on the floor and laughed. We love the attention and being dramatic but nobody messes with any of us and gets the W.

"I hope you didn't scare the tiktok boys away with our performance today"
Jade said to me.

Well let's hope I didn't.

The night we met | Mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now