What if

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At school the next day.

"Hey Layla" kairi said standing behind me with alejandro and Robert.

Me:"what's up guys"

Ale:"we just wanted to apologise for making you feel so uncomfortable yesterday at lunch"

Robert:"yeah it was wrong of us to blame you when it was Mattias responsibility"

Me:"guys it's fine I get it"

Kairi:"your not mad or upset"

Me:"na we're all good now excuse me I have to talk to someone"

They all smiled awkwardly and waved me off as I ran around the school trying to find Liam.

I finally found him but the bell rang and I had to get him to class. I have gym with him though so it's fine.

Gym class
As we was doing star jumps and stretching I slowly got closer to Liam.

Liam:"why're you acting so weird"

Me:"I need to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me"

Teacher:"okay pair up for this warm up"

We paired up and waited for the teacher to give us instructions.

"One person will do the sit-ups while the other person holds down on our legs" the teacher yelled.

"So what's your question lay" Liam said as he was doing his sit ups

Me:"Do you have a crush on me"

Liam:"seriously what's the question"

Me:"that is the question"

Liam stopped doing the sit-ups and looked me straight in the eyes.

Liam:"of course not, why would you think that did you hit your head or something"

Me:"oh thank god, jade thought you was jealous yesterday because you left lunch after I started talking about Mattia"

Teacher:"okay give me 4 laps around the field now"

We got up and started running.

Liam:"I wasn't jealous I'm just worried for you"


Liam:"because your soft"

Me:"what's that suppose to mean"

Liam:"it means that Mattia will hurt you"

Me:"you don't know what your talking about"

Liam:"trust me your not the first girl he treats like this. He'll make you feel all special then move on to the next girl"

Me:"shutup Liam"

Liam:"I'm sorry, but I'm just warning you because I know that through this cold hearted act your actually really sensitive"


I started tuning faster then Liam to get away from him. I know that he wants the best for me but telling me that and making me feel worthless like that just wasn't it, but I know he mean't well.

What if he's right. What if I am just getting played.

After school.

"Hey Layla" Mattia yelled as he ran towards me.

"Want me to give you a ride?" He asked

"No thanks ima just take the bus" I repied

Mattia:"lmao why"

Me:"I just wanna be alone right now"

Mattia:"hey you okay"

He pulled me closer and starting lifting my head up with his hands.

Me:"yeah am fine"

Mattia:"well will you come to Blake's party on Friday"

Me:"probably, I gotta go before I miss the bus"


He said softly.

The night we met | Mattia polibio Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora