Hospital truth

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It was Mattia and jade.

Me:"hey guys what's up"

Jade:"whatsupp? Bitch we thought you got arrested you okay?"

Me:"yeah I'm fine the police just asked a few questions about Blake's party but I didn't say much"

Mattia:"you seem a bit shook, you sure your okay"


Jade:"well we're going to the hospital wanna come"

The door opened from behind me and Lucas stepped out.

Lucas:"hello jade and the boy that hangs around my sister too much"

Jade:"I like the new neck tat Lucas"

Me:"anyways you guys should get going I'll come by later if I can"

Mattia:"you not gunna come with us"

Lucas:"we're having a family discussion so no she won't"

He put his arm around me and waved them off as they walked back to the car.

We walked back into the living room and saw Thiago crying again.

"Okay so what happened" I asked sitting on the floor besides him.

"I don't remember but I think i shot the boy" Thiago said

"You put him up to this didnt you" I yelled at Lucas

Lucas:"you think I'd throw my own blood under a bus?"

Me:"honestly I don't know"

Lucas:"well just so you know lil sis, some punks stole my gun that night so this isn't my mess"

Thiago:"yeah lorenzo stole your gun and showed us all"

Lucas:"I knew those white privileged boys were going to do you dirty"

At this point we was all just yelling trying to figure out what we should do for like 2 hours

Thiago:"GUYs your not LISTENing idk if i shot him or not"

Me:"so what do you know"

Thiago:"I had the gun in my hand but I don't know whether I pulled the trigger"

Lucas:"did you all of a sudden gain memory loss you Moran"

Thiago:"I was drunk"

Me:"there is no way you pulled the trigger, you can't even kill a fly without feeling bad let alone a whole human"

Thiago:"then why do I feel so guilty"

Me:"those friends of yours must've gotten to your head or something"

Lucas:"okay look mom will be home any minute so Thiago go and dry your face and try look normal again"

Thiago got up and went to the bathroom. As he left the room Lucas started laughing.

Me:"Lucas this isn't funny what the fuck"

His laugh is contagious so I laughed a little with him, but immediately stop because this is quite serious.

Lucas:"I'm just happy I'm not involved this time"

Me:"you are involved stupid, it was your gun"

Thiago walks back into the room and slumps down on the coach.

We hear moms car pull up.

"So what we gone do"lucas asked.

The night we met | Mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now