They left me

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The music slowly disappeared and before I knew it i was asleep in a bathtub. My phone was buzzing so much but I was too tired to pick it up.

"Gosh Layla what did you do" a familiar voice said as he leaned down to the bathtub.

I slowly opened my eyes to see it was Mattia.

Me:"oh look who it is"

Mattia:"where is jade and Liam"

Me:"don't know don't care let me sleep"

Mattia:"I cant believe your this irresponsible, what if someone came in and done god knows what to you"

Me:"are you saying it would be my fault?"

Mattia:"no I'm saying your fucking drunk in some seniors bathtub and something bad could've happened to you"

Me:"ooo looks like MrIOnlyWantedSex cares about me"

Mattia:"come one let me drive you home"

Me:"I'd rather sleep here thanks"

I leaned back on the bathtub and closed my eyes. Mattia let out a big sigh and picked me up.

"Well okay then sure just pick me up why not" I said sarcastically.

He gently placed me in the front seat of his car and buckled my seat belt.

Me:"I cant leave without Liam or jade it's our rule"

Mattia:" don't worry they broke the rule too, they're not here"

"They left me" I screamed

His soft hands placed my legs inside the car and closed the door as he ran to the other side and got in.

My phone rang

"Oh look it's my so not caring brother" I said

I answered

Lucas:"omg thanks god you answered where the fuck are you, you were meant to be home
Hours ago"

Me:"hahaha okay big bro I'm on my way to Texas don't worry I'll be home soon"

Lucas:"WHAT TEXAS??"

I ended the call and put my phone back in my bra.

Mattia:"why'd you say your going Texas"

Me:"are we not"

Mattia laughed to himself and smiled at me, I smiled back like some idiot.

We stopped at a gas station.

"You want anything"
He asked

Me:"absolutely not"

"Ill get you water then" he said then went to the store.

"Here drink"


"Drink please"


I drank the cold refreshing water and leaned back into the seat

My phone started ringing again and it was Thiago my other not caring brother.

"Oh look it's the other know it all not caring brother" I said as I answered

Thiago:"I'll pick you up where are you"

Me:"rocking around the Christmas tree and a-

I sang them the great Christmas song but Mattia snatched the phone off me.

Mattia:" she's a little drunk right now but I'm bring her home right now"

Thiago:"Mattia is this you? I swear if you did something to her-

I grabbed the phone and ended the call.

Me:"you bonding with my brothers or something"

Mattia:"actually he was threatening me, I think"

We was finally almost at my house just 2 red lights away.

I grabbed Mattias hand and put it on my shoulder and layed my head on it.

Mattia:"you okay"

He said as his thumb started circling my cheek.

Me:"my dad would place his hand here and let me fall asleep on it and he'd  sing me  spanish Lullaby's , but then he stopped and left"

Mattia:"I'm sorry Layla"

Mattia said softly then placed a kiss on my forehead but as his face got close to mine I pulled him in for a kiss on the lips.


The cars behind us started beeping because the lights turned green. I laughed and rolled down my window as he speeded off.

Mattia:"your mad at me, why'd you kiss me"

Me:"because you stupid fuck, I know I won't remember any of this stupidness"

"Right" he said with a sigh.

Mattias PoV

I parked outside her house and just as we arrived she fell asleep. I carried her in my arms and knocked on the door. Lucas opened it.

Thiago:"here I'll take her"

I slowly put her into his arms and he walked away. Lucas watched Thiago carry her upstairs then choked me outside the door.

Mattia:"dude what the hell"

Lucas:"where's jade and Liam and why is she so drunk"

Mattia:" I don't fucking know I found her like that"

Lucas:"huh? Found?"

Mattia:"I was looking for my phone and when I went to the bathroom she was asleep in the bathtub so I drove her home because her friends left her there"

Lucas:"that better be the same story she has when she wakes up tomorrow or I swear I'll"

Mattia:"dude you can stop threatening me, are you not tired of it? Relax the last thing I want is to ever hurt your sister"

Lucas:"funny guy you are"

Lucas laughed and released Mattia from his grip.

Back to Layla
"I'm going to have such a bad hangover tomorrow aren't I?" I asked Thiago as he was placing me on my bed


Me:"where the hell did Liam and jade go, they just left me there damn"

Thiago:"atleast your safe now"

Me:"oh please don't act like you give a shit about me right now"

Thiago:"bitch I'm literally taking your stupid heels off right now, I'm your brother ofcourse I care about you"

Me:"okay  whatever goodnight mi hermano"

Thiago:"night puta"

He placed a kiss on my forehead and left my room.

The night we met | Mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now