On the Brink of Life

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Will's POV

I just stood there staring at the tombstone. Why would Nikki transport me here? As a matter of fact, why would she transform me anywhere? She didn't look like she had an ounce of stregth left in her. Thousands... there were thousands of skelotons coming out of that crack in the ground. She should have faded after 50, if even! She just shadowed travelled across the world for Zues sake! 

That look on her face. Those broken obsidien eyes. They had been brightning up more and more everyday I was with her but now... they were shattered once more. 

Her screams.

They echoed in my mind. Tears started to fall again. I curled up and started to sob into my knees. I was watching her die. The person I loved more than anyone in this life was dying, because of me. And I couldn't do one thing about it. What was wrong with me?! What kind of boyfriend was I?!? I can't believe I would- What was that? 

I heard shovels digging I little ways ahead of me. I shakily stood up from my position on the ground and saw two muscley dudes with ski mask digging up a grave. I felt anger rise in me. What are they doing?! Do they know how disrespectful that is to them?! Wait... what in Hades was I talking about. They were dead. I think I've been spending way too much time with Nikki. 

Nevertheless, I began to march over to the idiot thugs, trying body snatch in broad daylight. 

"Hey! Stop that!! The dead have feelings too you know?!" I shouted at them. Yup, way too much time with Nikki... no... There's no such thing.... I need her... I need her right now... she's not dead, she's fine, everything's fine, she's not dying, I didn't trick her into-

"Oh really? Tell you what kid, after we take this body we won't throw you in and bury you alive, if you just be on your way and pretend like this never happened, deal?" The one on the right asked. I scoffed. 

"Ηλίθιοι θνητοί. Yeah, no thanks. I'll do you one better, I won't call the cops and get your butts thrown in prison for the rest of your sorry lives, if you just be on your way and pretend like this never happened." I countered, feeling kind of proud of myself for thinking of that so fast. 

(Btw I'm making him be super distracted from the fact that Nikki is dying 1) Because he has like the worst ADHD ever, and 2) because that is how he copes: not thinking about the present hardship, trying to stay as optmistic as possible. Just if you were wondering why he isnt having a panic attack full of grief and guilt.  <3)

That was until the one who I was talking to looked at his friend and nodded. His friend turned to face me, shovel in his hand like a club would be. He was a lot more muscley than the other guy, like super body builder muscley. I took I small step back. 

Ask anyone I know. Nikki. Cecil. Lou. Anyone, about my fighting ability, and you'll probably get the same answer.... them bursting out laughing. 

In my defence, I'm the lover-not-a-fighter type of person, plus, I mean I'm a doctor! The nerdy, happy go lucky, doctor. I don't do sports. I don't fight. I don't even carry a weapon on me. Which I know sounds stupid since I am a demigod, but I never leave camp, so why would I need one! 

The thug took a step closer to me and all my instics in me told me to run away. Because, unlike all the other demigods my flight or fight instics were always on flight. But I couldn't I was frozen in fear of the  man in front of me.

Then I felt something cahnge in me. I realized by some miricle my instics changed for the first time in my life. I let them take over since I had absolutly no idea what I was doing. 

I changed into a fighting stance and held my ground, holding my fists in front of my face. The dude swung the shovel (It took me over ten tries then having to google it to figure out how to spell that word, and I still got it wrong when I tried again. *sigh* I am a sad child who doesn't even know how to spell shuvle- shouvle- shuvel-shovel! Yes! Okay on with the story!) I suprisingly I dodged it, though not well and ended up on the ground. Ugh, come one instics! Work with me here! He swung the shovel down ontop of me and I rolled out of the way just in time. I jumped up and elbowed him in the side causing him to double over and drop the shovel, which I kicked away immediatly. 

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