Chapter Seven.

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Larissa entered the small apothecary the musky air eloping her as soon as she removed the hood of her black cloak. She noticed there were only three others in the small shop; the owner, a middle aged woman with a blonde boy in his mid teens, larissa presumed he was the woman's son.

Larissa began locating the ingredients she needed to stock up on through the maze of cabinets adorned with jars of all shapes and sizes, it was dark in the shop the windows at the front coated with what Larissa noticed to be a mix between dust and dirt. The slick sound of her heels echoed and filled the silent room. Larissa noticed the woman had began to make her way towards the till situated at the back of the shop. After collecting a variation of jars Larissa placed herself behind the beautiful woman. Larissa noticed she had a head of platinum blonde hair that fell graciously into curls at the end and was pinned in a way similar to her own.  Larissa shifted between each foot as she waited patiently for the women and her son to be served- she assumed they were buying quite a quantity. Her grey eyes explored the till, noticing a collection of books and scales upon the wooden tabletop the dark green wall added a sense of elegance to the rest of the musky shop. The body of a crocodile was hung from the ceiling above the counter, it wasn't unusual to find the corpse of an exotic animal in shops like these but nevertheless still intrigued the young woman.

After a considerable amount of time the woman in front of Larrissa turned to make her leave. When she turned around the two women were face to face, the son standing a few feet behind his mother a bored facial expression set on his face. As two pairs of identical grey eyes connected Larissa if had she not been stood there would have believed she was looking at her own eyes in a mirror. The woman in question had a mixed emotion on her face that Larissa was finding difficult to read.

'Sorry excuse me' Larissa said gracefully in a soft tone and stepping to the side to let the woman past however the woman in question stood still looking at Larissa. She watched as the woman before her opened her mouth to say something a look of confusion evidently shown through her facial expression. However before the beautiful woman could speak her son drawled out 'Are we leaving or not mother' his mother shut her mouth tightly her lips settling to a firm line.

'Yes come Draco' and with that the two strode out of the confined shop with an air of self-righteousness. With this Larissa moved towards the front of the shop and addressed the shop assistant or owner she wasn't quite sure at this point. 

'Who were they?' She heard herself ask the elderly man stood in front of her.

'The Malfoy's old money' judging by the mans tone she assumed he wasn't a fan of the mother and son. Larissas dark eyebrows drew together, the name she recognised but from where was a mystery.  The man packed her purchases in a black bag and tied it with a dark silk ribbon.

When she ventured out of the shop she was greeted with a moderately busy street as well as a wash of clean fresh air, it wasn't bright outside not sunny but cloudy, like a grey filter was placed over the bustling shopping street.

She found her feet advancing towards a small but luxurious coffee shop.

As she entered the building she noticed the extravagant interior, silks and velvets being the primary focus.  She located a small table, placing her purchases and cloak on one chair and herself on the other, she preoccupied herself with the menu, not noticing the table of three blondes staring at her. 

After deciding on a afternoon tea for one Larissa attracted the waiter with a flick of her wrist.

'Afternoon Tea for one'

'Will that be with scones or a collection of cream cakes miss'


'And the name miss'

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