11 - Slumbering Weald

927 24 8

Word Count: 1477

You and Leon sat in Wedgehurst, waiting for Hop and Gloria to arrive. Surprisingly enough, people were leaving Leon alone, making you able to just sit on the bench in relative peace. Apart from the few people staring at a distance.

Your mind raced over last night. Did the nightmare mean something? Was it just your mind playing with you? Even so, thinking about it just made you want to curl up in a ball and hide away. Rookidee, who you had bought a Pokéball for, was sitting on your lap, resting, and you scratched his head a little absentmindedly.

"You okay?" You looked up to see Leon look at you with a concerned look.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" You smiled at the man sitting next to you.

Leon suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder, making you turn to him. "If anything is bothering you, you can just tell me." He lightly squeezed your shoulder, seeming truly concerned.

You shook your head a bit to bring yourself back into the world. "I know. Thanks." You then went to look around. "Should they be taking so long?" You asked, looking back to Leon to see him lean back and bite his lip.

"No they shouldn't. I've been thinking of seeing what's taking so long for the past fifteen minutes. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Then what are w-" You stood up with a start, throwing Rookidee off of your lap accidentally. "Oh, sorry." You picked the offended bird up before turning to Leon again. "Then what are we waiting for."

Leon nodded and once you returned Rookidee to his new Pokéball, the two of you started running back to Postwick.

"No, Leon! This way! Straight ahead remember?"

- - - -

Leon and you set foot in the Slumbering Weald. Immediately, you were enveloped by fog, limiting your field of view substantially.

"What the-"

"It's always foggy here." Leon looked around with a serious look on his face. "Where could they be?" He muttered.

The two of you had reached Postwick pretty quickly, but the children were nowhere in sight. The gate to the Slumbering Weald was open and Leon immediately had gotten change of body language. And so the two of you had ran inside with most haste.

Whatever was in the Slumbering Weald, it wasn't good and Leon was worried for his brother. You placed your hand on his shoulder, making him look at you.

"We'll find them. For now, we just go forward and after that, we can rely on your brotherly instincts." You tilted your head sideways with a closed-eyed smile, reassuring him. "Besides that, I am great with spooky forests."

Leon smiled back at you, and Charizard - who had been following you two the entire time - let out a rumbling noise to back you up. With that, the two of you set out into the mist, searching for the children.

- - - -

You and Leon had been walking through the mysterious forest when suddenly, immense fog came up.

"Charizard." Leon called to his Pokémon and Charizard started flapping his wings, trying to get rid of the fog.

"It's not doing anything? This is not normal fog!" You exclaimed, running your hand through it while the fog got more intense. Pretty soon, Leon and Charizard were out of sight while you couldn't see a single thing. "Leon? Leon?!"

"Over here!" Leon's voice came from somewhere to your right and you moved towards it. Your hands touched something and you flinched, only to have your wrist grabbed. You calmed down, realising it was Leon.

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