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2 weeks later

Cheryl was getting worse. It was points where she didn't sleep. She looked dead, and she wishes she was too.

"Cheryl, Are you okay?" Betty asked as she approached the girl.

Cheryl was mentally and physically exhausted. Penelope's been on her back, school is just too much for her.

"Yeah." The redhead lied. Betty raised her brow, "Are you sure?" She asked.

"I'm fine, Betty. Thanks for asking." Cheryl said.

Betty nodded before changing the subject.


Toni laughed as Archie told her a dumb joke.

"Damn, Arch. Where did you get that one?" The girl wiped tears.

"I saw it on twitter once." The boy grinned.

Cheryl entered the classroom, quietly sitting down in the back where the two friends sat.

Toni frowned at Cheryl's state. Cheryl looked as if she hadn't slept in days or even weeks. Her skin was pale and her eyes were full of pain.

"Toni! Toni!" Archie called.

"Huh?" Toni turned away from Cheryl.

"I said are you coming to watch practice? The guys and I are going to pops." He said.

"Uh. Nah, my dads want me to help them with... Something." She made up quickly.

"Oh, well. Next time then." He smiled.


Cheryl walked to lunch, but of course, that was ruined.

"Hi, blossom. I see that you got fatter." Veronica said making her goons laugh.

Veronica lodge tormented Cheryl all her high school years. Cheryl was happy it was their last year.

Cheryl covered her stomach with her books.

"I-I-I haven't b-been eating anything..." Cheryl looked down.

"Honestly. No one needs you! Just end it already!" Veronica said, pushing Cheryl as she walked past.

There's her answer. The final straw. That's all she needed to hear before entering the nearest girl's bathroom.


"I'll catch up with you later." Toni smiled before entering the bathroom.

What she saw, broke her heart into pieces.

"What the fu- Cheryl?!" Toni yelled, going over to the unconscious girl.

She saw the cuts on her arms and one that was so deep.

Toni checked for a pulse, only finding a faint one.

"Shit!" Toni cried, pulling out her phone as she dialed 911.

"Hi! There's a girl in the bathroom, its an attempted suicide." Toni said, covering the deep wound as it stained her hands and the tissue.

"Mmm." Cheryl groaned.

"Cheryl! Can you hear me?!" Toni asked. Cheryl couldn't reply

No later than 2 minutes the Ambulance busted through the school, startling the students as they made their way to the bathroom.

"It's okay, Cheryl." Toni cried. She may not know the girl but no one deserves this. This isn't the answer.

The first responders entered the bathroom with a stretcher as students gathered around the bathroom.

They picked Cheryl up, with the help of Toni as the other's picked up the blades.

"What happened?" Jason asked Veronica as he made his way to the front.

"Some girl tried to commit suicide, don't know who though." The Latina said.

Jason nodded, watching as they brought the stretcher out.

Jason's eyes widen as he saw who was on that stretcher.

Everyone gasped as they rolled Cheryl out of the bathroom in a rush.

"CHERYL!" Jason cried as he rushed out of the school with them.

Toni also exited the bathroom, looking at her bloodied hands.

"Toni! Are you okay?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah. I-I-" Toni couldn't speak as she broke down.

5 hours later

Clifford, Jason, Betty, Kevin, Toni, and Laura sat in the waiting room.

Toni was still shaken up about what happened. She can't get the view of Cheryl's almost lifeless body on the floor out of her head.

It's been a couple of hours since they got any updates on Cheryl. They told them that one of the cuts was deep but since Toni put pressure on it, she didn't bleed out much.

Clifford didn't stop thanking Toni for what she did. He cried to her as a thank you.

Toni stood up as her dads enters the waiting room. "Toni!" Antonio said as the girl rushed into their embrace.

"Are you okay?" Jamie asked, kissing his daughter's forehead.

Toni nodded silently before pulling away.

"Uh, dads. This is Mr. Blossom, Cheryl's dad." Toni introduced.

"It's nice to meet you." Clifford smiled.

"Same here. We're sorry about Cheryl. No one deserves this." Antonio said.

Clifford nodded, "You raised Toni well." The redheaded man said as the doctor walked in.

Everyone stood up.

"She's alright. We stopped the bleeding and aided the wounds before covering them. She's asleep right now but you all could go in." He nodded.

Clifford nodded as he and Jason led the group to Cheryl's room.

Jason walked over to the bed, wiping a tear as he got on his knees and cried into the bed.

He tried, he tried to be strong. But how could he if his sister was going through a mess.

Why didn't she just talk to him? Why didn't she talk to anyone? He was just thankful that Cheryl was alive and they owe it all to Toni.

Clifford went to his son's side as he helped the distressed boy up.

Betty sighed, going over to comfort her cousin during this tough time.

Everyone else stood in silence as they watched Cheryl's breathing pattern on the monitor.

It was well-needed silence.


Toni and everyone else but Jason and Clifford went home that night since the doctor told them that Cheryl will wake up tomorrow and to get some rest.

One guilty Veronica was up. She felt so bad as she cried.

She didn't mean for Cheryl to actually listen to her. She didn't want Cheryl to listen to her.

How could she be so cruel? How could she treat someone so badly to drive them to try and kill themselves?

She felt so guilty. She was going to come to clean the next morning, she couldn't keep it in. She had to tell someone.

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