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It's been 2 weeks after finding the note and since Cheryl's attempt, Clifford contacted the police about the note and now it's in their hands.

Clifford signed the divorce papers in a lightning speed. It was just him and his twins now, and he was going to do his best to protect them. Especially, Cheryl. His beautiful girl.

Cheryl and Toni stayed up all night texting each other. Each day, Cheryl couldn't stop smiling.

Toni😍: I was wondering if you'd like to sleepover at mine after the party?

Cheryl🍒: Uh, I've never been to a sleepover before.

Toni😍: It'll be fun. And plus it'll only be us, and my dads.

Cheryl🍒: Okay. I'll ask

Toni😍: Great! This'll be so much fun!

Cheryl knocked on her father's study before entering.

"Dad...?" The girl whispered.

Clifford turned around in his chair. "Yes?" He asked.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you. Toni wanted to know if I could have a sleepover. It's after her party is over." Cheryl explained.

Cliffs smiled, "Yeah. I don't mind, have fun."

"Thanks, dad!" Cheryl said excitedly before going back upstairs to her phone.

Cheryl🍒: He said yes!

Toni😍: Yay! My dad will pick you up while I and my other dad set up the party. Pack plenty❤️

Cheryl🍒: K❤️

Cheryl excitedly packed an overnight bag. Then she put her phone charger in the bag too

She made sure she packed undergarments and some cute pajamas. Once she was done packing, Jason stood in the doorway.

"Where ya going?" He asked.

"Sleepover at Toni's." Cheryl replied.

"I think she really likes you, Cher." Jason smiles.

Cheryl's face turned red, "You think so?" Cheryl asked.

"Yep." Jason encouraged.

Cheryl nodded with a smile.


"Thanks for having her, Jamie." Clifford smiled as Cheryl got into the car with Jamie.

"No problem. Any friend of Toni is a friend of mine." He smiled.

Clifford kissed Cheryl's cheek before mumbling a 'Love you.' before watching as the car took off.

"I hope you like pops. Toni insisted we eat something before her party." He said.

"I love pops." Cheryl grinned.

"Okay, Cool." He smiled as he continued to drive to the diner.

After getting the pops, Jamie drove them to the house.

Cheryl walked into the house, holding her bag.

"Hey!" Toni smiled, gently taking Cheryl's bag.

"Just take your shoes off there." Toni pointed to the rack.

Cheryl did that while Toni went to pick Cheryl's bag in her room.

"You guys have a nice home." Cheryl smiled as Toni led her into the kitchen to eat.

"Thank you." Toni smiled, handing Cheryl her burger.

Cheryl took it before unwrapping it to eat it.

She eats more now. Everyone is super nice to her now. Jughead apologized for verbally harassing her. The vixen's apologized for putting up with Veronica's behavior. So everything has been going well.

"So, Cheryl. How are you?" Antonio asked.

"Surprisingly great. Everything is getting better. I'm seeing a therapist, Which is helping." The redhead smiled.

"That's good to hear. Toni was so excited when you said that you could stay over." Jamie teased his daughter.

"Dad!" Toni whines with a pout.

"Sorry, kid." The man chuckled.


Soon everyone had arrived. Toni mingled with some of the girls off of the Vixen squad while Cheryl hung out with Betty and Laura since Kevin couldn't come.

"So... I see you and Toni have been getting close." Betty raised her brows teasingly.

Cheryl blushed, "I like her. A lot. But I don't know if she likes me back." Cheryl shrugged.

"She probably does." Laura said, making Cheryl look over at her.

"Ya know, Jason told me the same thing. Well, Kinda." Cheryl chuckled.

Toni walked over to the group, "Hey, Ladies. What are we talking about?" Toni asked.

Cheryl panicked while Betty just shrugged, "School. We can't wait to graduate." Betty smiled.

"Same. I'm going to attend the community college. They have some good opportunities there." Toni nodded.

"Cool. I don't know where I'm going yet." Cheryl said, drinking some of her fruit punch.

"You'll get there." Laura nodded.

A song started to play, Toni sets Cheryl's drink down, "Care to dance with me?" Toni asked.

Cheryl blushed as she nodded, letting the Burnette pull her to the middle of the floor.


Toni giggled as she, Cheryl, and Betty took pictures at the photo wall Toni's fathers set up.

Cheryl has a mustache and Betty had a top hat while Toni had a smiley face.

"On 3 say happy birthday!" Jamie smiled.

1...2...3! "Happy Birthday!" The girl's said, laughing as Cheryl couldn't stay in her position.

"Thanks, dad." Toni smiled, taking her phone so they could look at the pictures.

One of them made Cheryl's heart flutter. Toni was staring at her in one of the pictures, "Hey, can you send me that one?" Cheryl asked.

"This one?" Toni asked to which Cheryl replied with a nod.

Toni airdropped it to Cheryl before shutting her phone off.

"Cake time!" Antonio called from the kitchen.

"Oh! Come on!" Toni smiled, pulling Cheryl and Betty into the kitchen.

Jamie opens the cake box, revealing the large ice cream cake.

Toni pulled Cheryl to stand beside her.


Once the party was over, Cheryl helped Toni, Jamie, and Antonio clean up.

"There's a bathroom around the hall for you to shower if you'd like." Toni nodded as the girl's entered Toni's room.

Cheryl stared in awe as the L.E.D light lit up the room.

"Your room is awesome." Cheryl giggled.

"Thank you. I try my best to keep it neat since my dads are total neat freaks." Toni laughed, getting her Pj's out.

"I'll just take the bathroom down the hall. Take mine. Oh, feel free to use my soaps." Toni nodded before leaving the room.

Cheryl sighed before getting her Pajamas out then going into the bathroom.

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