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Cheryl got dressed for her date. She wore a red blouse with jeans and vans. Toni told her to dress comfortably because they were going to be out in the wild.

Cheryl automatically knew they were going back to the waterfall.

"Have fun, Okay? And Toni! Bring my daughter back by 10." Clifford said.

"Got you, Mr. B." The girl smiled as she opened the door for Cheryl.


"I love this, Toni." Cheryl smiled at the water as it flowed peacefully behind them.

"I'm glad you do." Toni smiled, feeding Cheryl a strawberry.

"Mmm." Cheryl moans at the taste of the strawberry.

"You know, I've always loved strawberries." Cheryl smiled, licking her lips.

"Well, they are very tasty." Toni giggled, eating one herself.

She sighed, letting the cool air blow by her freely.

Cheryl admired the girl. Toni Topaz truly saved her life.

Cheryl kept thinking about when Toni said that she thinks she's in love with her. Cheryl smiled at the thought of being in love with Toni because she is.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Toni snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Is this water even safe for us to swim in? We don't even have bathing suits." Cheryl said.

"Yes, the water is safe to swim in. And so what? We'll just wear our undergarments." Toni shrugged, pulling her shirt off.

Cheryl's breathing hitched as she saw Toni's upper half.

"Cher. We don't have to if you don't want too." Toni said.

"No. I'm down." The redhead smiled before also pulling her own shirt off.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Toni giggled as she took off her shoes.

Cheryl quickly removed her pants before walking over to the water.

"Hahaha, I beat you." Cheryl giggled.

"Whatever." Toni smirked playfully before splashing Cheryl.

"Hey!" The redhead objected, splashing the girl back.

Soon it turned into a splash fight. Toni went underwater, going behind Cheryl.

"Toni?" Cheryl called, stopping her splashing.

Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's waist.

"Ahh!" Cheryl squealed with a giggle. She turned around as Toni wrapped Cheryl's legs around her waist.

"I scared, Ya?" Toni asked with a smirk.

"Kinda." Cheryl teased.

Toni chuckled before staring into Cheryl's eyes.

"I'm glad I saved you." The Topaz girl whispered, leaning her forehead on Cheryl's.

"Really?" Cheryl asked.

"Yeah. Because then you would've missed out on all this. Finding someone or meeting your soulmate." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded. Toni was right. She would've missed out on having Toni. And she would've missed out on this amazing place. She would've missed out on the good things in life.

"I'm happy you saved me too." Cheryl whispered.

Toni smiled before connecting their lips together.

Cheryl smiled in between kisses as she wrapped her arms around Toni's neck.

"Your amazing, Cher." Toni sighed, "I wouldn't trade you for the world." She smiled as she pulled away.

Cheryl felt her heart fill with love. Cheryl smiled, kissing the corner of Toni's mouth.

"I love you." Cheryl said a blush rising to her cheeks.

Toni was caught by surprise but quickly recovered, "I love you too, Cher." Toni whispered.

"I want you to be my girlfriend." Toni said, looking into Cheryl's blue eyes.

"Really?" Cheryl asked happily.

"Yep. So? What do you say, Blossom?" Toni smirked.

"Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." Cheryl giggled, hugging Toni tightly.

Toni hugged the pale girl back, smiling so hard that her cheeks were starting to hurt but she didn't care, she was happy. And in love.


After swimming and playing around in the water for a bit, Toni and Cheryl returned back to the blanket.

Toni wrapped the extra blanket she packed around Cheryl as she saw that the girl was shivering.

"Thanks." The redhead smiled. Toni nodded, sitting beside her as she got into the warm blanket too.

Cheryl laid her head against Toni's shoulder, closing her eyes as she took in the warmth of the blanket and Toni's body.

"You know, I've dreamed of this day." Toni whispered.

"Just me and you, relaxed." Toni added.

Cheryl smiled against the girl's shoulder.

"I like it." Cheryl whispered, kissing Toni's shoulder softly.

The couple sat in silence as they took in nature.

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