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After the girl's showered, Toni led Cheryl downstairs where Jamie and Antonio sat in their pajamas.

"Every year on my birthday, we'd watch 2 movies before bed." Toni said.

"Yep, And Toni here falls asleep before the second movie." Antonio giggles.

"In my defense it gets boring." Toni said making the two men laugh.

Cheryl and Toni took a seat before grabbing some blankets and pillows.

"Okay, The first movie is Annie (2014) then the Lion king (2019)" Jamie said, placing the big bowl of popcorn in Toni's lap as He and his husband had their own bowl.

Once the first movie started, they sat in silence. Cheryl and Toni's hands would brush together making both girls blush.


By the time the second movie started, Toni was asleep, her head on Cheryl's shoulder.

"I told you." Jamie smirked.

Toni snored lightly. She was used to being cuddled whenever they watched movies, and Cheryl was the closet she got.

Cheryl blushed as Toni's breath hit her neck.

Once the movie was over, Jamie and Antonio started folding away the blankets.

Toni stirred, opening her eyes. She pulled away from Cheryl to stretch her arms.

"You didn't survive this one, T." Antonio chuckled.

"Whatever." Toni yawned. "Come on, Cher." Toni said, gently pulling Cheryl up.

"Good night, guys!" Cheryl said letting the girl pull her into her room.

It was 11:35 PM. Thank God it was Friday.

Toni got into her bed, setting her phone on the charger.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Toni smirked, knowing that the girl was nervous.

Cheryl nodded, getting into the bed before putting her phone on the charger.

It was her first-ever sleepover, of course, she was nervous.

Cheryl got comfortable in Toni's bed, loving how the lights were calming.

"Goodnight, Cherbear." Toni whispered.

Cheryl blushed at the nickname, "Goodnight, T.T." Cheryl smiled at her own nickname.

Toni felt butterflies in her stomach as she turned over to sleep.


Toni woke up with a yawn, stretching her limbs.

She looked to her side, finding Cheryl fast asleep. Toni thought she looked so beautiful as her lips parted slightly with light snores coming out of her mouth.

The way her red hair was spread out on the pillow. Toni sighed before going into her bathroom.

After doing her business, she checked her phone for the first time since yesterday.

She had messages from Archie apologizing for not coming to her party, some from one of the jocks she hangs out with, and Veronica.

She furrowed her eyebrows at Veronica's text.

Devil🔥: Cheryl keeps blocking my numbers so I'm going text this through you. I hope you give her this message.

Cheryl... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for how bad I treated you. I'm sorry for tormenting you all those years. Truth is that I was jealous of you. I mean, look at you! Your pretty, pretty blue eyes, pretty red hair, you have a protective brother. Your father loves you and cares for you. You have a happy life while I'm struggling with my dad. I didn't mean to cause any harm, I just wanted you to feel how I felt, how I have to wake up feeling like that. And to be honest, even when i'd bully you, it didn't help. It just made me feel worse. I know you won't forgive me, and that's okay. I just want you to know that I'm sorry.

"Wow..." Toni whispered, replying back.

Toni: Yes. I'll be sure to get it to her

Devil🔥: Thank you so much

Toni continued to reply to the other messages from Archie, and the jocks.

Cheryl stirred, stretching her legs out.

She sighed as she relaxed, "Good morning." Cheryl whispered.

"Morning." Toni smiled.

"Uh, Veronica sent me a message. She wanted me to give it to you." Toni said, handing her phone over.

Cheryl sat up, taking the phone.

Cheryl read over the message, feeling tears brimming at her eyes.

Cheryl handed the phone back as a few tears rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, you okay?" Toni asked, going closer to comfort her.

Cheryl nodded, "Just a bit emotional that's all." Cheryl chuckled, wiping her tears.

"Are you sure?" Toni said, staring into the girl's blue eyes.

"Yes... Toni, I'm okay, I promise." Cheryl smiled. It wasn't fake either.

"Good. I believe my dads are making breakfast." Toni said before getting up.

Cheryl nodded, following behind her.

Once the two girls entered the kitchen to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"Morning, Girls." Jamie smiled.

"Morning." They both said, sitting at the island.

"Sleep well?" He asked, putting a plate in front of them.

"I did. What about you, Cheryl?" Toni asked, pouring syrup on her pancakes before handing it to Cheryl.

"Actally, I slept pretty good. That's the first time I slept without waking up." Cheryl realized.

"That means your getting better, that's amazing, Cherbear." Toni smiled, eating some of her eggs.

Cheryl nodded, a blush rising to her cheeks again.

"Cherbear? That's cute." Jamie chuckled.


Cheryl and Toni were back in Toni's bedroom.

"Can I ask you something?" Cheryl asked.

"Sure." Toni smiled, sitting up.

"Is it true that your bisexual?" Cheryl asked, looking down at her hands.

"Yep. What about you?" Toni asked.

"I-I'm lesbian." Cheryl nodded.

Toni nodded before going back to her drawing.

Cheryl went back to her phone.

"Know what, Fuck it. I'm going to kiss you, is that okay?" Toni asked, getting closer to Cheryl.

"Y-yes." The redhead nodded.

Toni leaned in, kissing Cheryl softly before pulling back to look at her expressions

When she got one she leaned in again, kissing Cheryl passionately as she cupped her cheek.

Toni then pulled away, leaning her forehead on Cheryl's.

"How was that?" Toni whispered.

"Amazing." Cheryl whispered back giggling as Toni leaned into to kiss her again.

I need a nap, better yet to sleep. I haven't slept yet😩

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