A budding author: @dreamcatcher0105

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So here is our budding author dreamcatcher0105

The author of a heart-warming book 'US'

1.How did you start writing and who inspired you to write?

My first book, "Us", that's how I started writing. I used to read, build up my own world inside my head, but writing was something I had not imagined doing.As for inspiration, it was not a person rather a thought. The thought of losing people close to me. The phase of letting go of them. And as time passed, I realized it was inevitable. And that is why, my very first work, 'Us', was based on them, who I had to let go. My friends. And that book, was my tribute to them, something for me (and them) to cherish forever. 

2.That's heart moving,is writing your hobby or you're passionate about it ?

Both. A hobby which I'm passionate about it. 

3. That's great, which is your biggest turn taken place in your life as of writing?

Biggest turn, I believe that's yet to come. As you said, I'm a budding writer, I have a lot to explore. 

4. I'm sure it'll aspire you, what would you say about phases you faced while writing?

Phases while writing. There are many. All days are not the same. Certain times, you'll feel a bit down, fingers pressing the keys, smashing the 'backspace' key and repeat. Certain days, when you don't feel your fingers, they are just flowing on their own accord. Moments when your readers praise you and you feel overwhelmed. Instances where your readers question you or your characters, and you start questioning yourself. And the ultimate. The much dreaded 'writers block'! I would say, phases come and go. The good ones, the bad ones, you have to let them go. The good ones, accept them, live them and let go of them happily. The bad ones, accept them, live them and give them a nice farewell. That's all I can say. 

5. That's a great way to accept and accomplish. What do you really love about writing?

What I love about writing? Interesting question. Perhaps the way my fingers love to glide over the keys, the adrenaline rush while writing each sentence, the way my mind goes haywire imagining, the music of the keys while typing which I've become accustomed to, the thought I put behind each word, or how writing made me change the way I viewed the world.There is nothing 'about' writing which I love. Or rather a simple answer.I am in love 'with' writing. 

6. I must say I'm impressed with your answer. Do you want to give suggestions or advice for writing books?

Advice? Just one. Writing is an art, you are the artist. The brush is in your hand, the paint you have is the same as what others have. But a masterpiece is created, when it is unique not when it is the same. Words are something which everyone has. Ideas are something which many have. But style, that's something which only you have. That would be my advice.

7. That's a great advice, I'm sure everyone take their own time and practice to create their masterpiece. What do you want to say to fellow readers or authors?

Fellow readers.Read. But don't 'just' read. You know what reading is?"Dreaming with open eyes,Living a thousand lives ..."Fellow writers.One thing which might become handy for you.Write, not for others, but for yourselves. Don't let few comments or votes influence your writing.If you get votes or not, if people comment or not, in the end, writing should be something which offers 'you' happiness. And its just a small share of that blissful feeling which you are generous enough to share with the world.All the best to both, readers and writers! Discover, explore and live your world! 

                     And that's an end ! Thank you 

                      For your time and cooperation 

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                      For your time and cooperation 

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