A budding author : @Grantypoof

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Request by xScarlet_Witchx

So here is our budding author Grantypoof

The author of 'Odyssey books'

1. How did you start writing and who inspired you to do so? 

Hmm...well I've always loved reading. I started writing when I was about seven, but I never finished it. I guess I wanted to be able to make a book for other people to read? 

2. Would you say writing as your hobby or a passion?

I would have to say writing is my hobby and something I'm passionate about. I want to be a professional author when I'm older, and I want people to be able to enjoy the worlds I create. 

3. I wish you good luck for your future, what is your biggest turn taken place in your life as of writing? 

I guess the biggest turn that happened in my life is being able to appreciate the power of imagination. And how much I need friendships to get me through hard times. I had this case of bad writer's block once, but I got through it because I knew people enjoyed reading my books and wanted more.

4. That's great! I agree with your views. What about the phases you faced while writing? 

Writing is a super hard thing to do, especially if you have a basic plot idea but nothing to fill it with. But I've always come through, so you can, too!

5. Yes! Everyone faces this but we need to move on and overcome the blocks. What fascinates you about writing? 

I love how it never gets boring. Writing to me always is telling a story in written form. Even if it's fictional. Sometimes the best stories can be full of fantasy. Take Harry Potter, or The Land of Stories, for instance!

6. I can understand.What  suggestions or advice  would you give as of writing ? 

I have a couple. First off, never underestimate what your imagination can conjure up. If you're ever experiencing writer's block, I would suggest reading your favorite book to help stimulate some ideas. It helps a ton, trust me. And you can improve your style, also!Second, always try to find time to write. If your story is important to you, you should be dedicated to it. I don't write as much as I once did, but I usually take a notebook with me wherever I go in case I get ideas.

7. That's interesting! I'll give it a try and lastly what do you want to say to fellow readers or authors?

To readers: if you ever want to write a story, don't hold back! Include anything you can think of, even if it's completely mythical. You've got this!To authors: Never give up. Your stories should be put out there for people to read. After all your hard work thinking of a story plot, you should finish what you started. Imagination is power!

          And that came to an end! Thank you! 

                For your time and cooperation! 

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                For your time and cooperation! 

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