A budding author : @katherineWitherspoon

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So here is our budding author katherineWitherspoon

The author of a delightful book 'When in London' and many more 

1. How did you start your writing journey and who inspired you to do so? 

When I was a kid, I kept imagining some random things or shall I say 'daydreaming' and I kept  jotting it down into my journal books and now I realize I loved making stories, so I started on my own. Of course, reading most classic books and watching old movies also inspired me and mostly Wes Anderson's films really stimulates me on writing, I really loved his styles. Also, listening to old music mostly in the 60's and 70's really motivates me to write and I usually  jot  about my dreams too (until now) in my journal book and it inspires me to make my own ideas for stories.

2. That's really great! What do you say about the phases you faced while writing?

Writer's block keeps bothering  me every time that sometimes I lose my interest in writing, sometimes I  lose creativity, no more ideas .  I feel that I'm a failure but I have my own way to overcome , I intend to read an old classic book, revise my stories to refresh my mind, I do freewriting, mostly eliminating distractions around me and I take a coffee to relax and I intend to listen to old music.

3. Well yes ,everyone faces this but to overcome it, is important. Which is the biggest turn taken place in your life as of writing?

Whatever inspires and motivates me to do writing.

4.That's interesting. What interests you most about writing?

How I can express myself through writing and it interests me so much.

5. Wow! How do you face the challenges and negativity ?

Negativity does really discourage me and down my self-esteem , but it's kind of a good thing to me because sometimes you really have to pay heed at other's reviews and it really helps me to improve my writings that you know what needs to change or improve by seeing what does or does not work. As how I face these challenges is to understand, accept it and some of the  most offensive critique I' ll ignore it and I practice gratitude.

6. Yes, we need look forward to improve. I get it and lastly what advice do you want to give to fellow writers and readers?

I'm only a newbie and amateur writer, I currently take  on other's advices but this advice encourages me and I would like to share it with you , "Run your own race. Don't worry about how fast someone else writes, how much another author makes, how many followers another author has. Write what makes you excited, and the enthusiasm will come through on the page."

                          That's inspiring. Thank you! 

                         For your time and cooperation! 

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                         For your time and cooperation! 

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