Chapter 11

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Ava still felt the burning heat of whatever was burning inside of her, as she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the forest with her new mate.

The place around her was a lot brighter than the forest she was in only minutes ago.

Her body burned, she could feel the heat, but there was no pain. It was unusual.

Ava was laying on a luscious patch of green grass, it was so soft under her touch.

She got to her feet and looked around; it was so familiar.

One step at a time Ava was cautious, she had no idea where she was and didn't know if she was in danger.

It was eerily silent wherever she was, the more she explored the familiar the place was, but Ava couldn't put her finger on it.

Beautiful white flowered trees formed a perfect circle around Ava, their vined branches intertwining with the tree growing next to it, creating a natural barrier to what was on the other side, as if trying to keep everyone out. So why was Ava in the middle of it.

The smell of fresh cut grass infused her senses, she couldn't smell anything else. And the warm breeze that gently coated her bare arms was soothing as if someone was there comforting her.

She was in a peaceful place, there was something around her drawing her in a direction she didn't know where.

Ava allowed her body to guide her to where she was going. She was taken to a cliff, a cliff that over looked a valley.

"It's beautiful isn't it" a voice from behind speaks, her tone was soft and gentle, but the surprise had Ava spinning on her heels. On the edge of the cliff she was close to falling off, but she was able to keep herself steady.

Ava's eyes widen in surprise, a woman in all white stood before her, the shiny black hair cascading down her sides.

"I'm sorry my child I didn't mean to scare you, I brought you here for a reason" she explains.

Ava looks at her confused, "Here?" she questions.

The lady nods, "I'm sorry you had to go through all that pain" she began but Ava interrupted.

"Wait, you were the one causing me pain, making me burn up?" Ava pretty much shouted at the stranger.

The women nodded.

Ava stood there dumbfounded, "H-how?" she stumbles out.

"I created all wolves, trying to connect to one out of thousands was all I had the ability to do, I had to choose carefully. Albeit didn't go as planned as I thought, but there's bound to be hiccups".

Ava's mouth falls open in shock "You're the Moon Goddess" she says.

The beautiful woman nods.

"But were not here to talk about me, we don't have long and there is so much to cover" she rushes out.

The Moon Goddess steps to Ava and holds out her hand, "There's a reason you were chosen to have two mates. Kyle was your first because he had the potential to carry the bloodline of a new Lycan kind. He proved himself to be a wrong choice, that was my fault, I watched you grow and saw how you were with him, he brought out the best and competitive side of you and that is what you needed".

The Moon Goddess pats Ava on the arm and sympathetic move to comfort her.

"And Steele?" Ava asks.

The Moon Goddess sighs, "Steele wasn't in the plan at all to begin with, he carried so much anger as a child and an adult, I didn't see him suiting you well".

The Last Lycan (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ