Chapter 20

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It was eerily quiet when the Lycan warriors reached the border of the Snow Stone territory.

Ava, Steele, Flynn, and Leo shifted into their human forms, once dressed then stood together. The warriors and scouts hidden amongst the bushes waiting to move in.

"I go in alone, they can't smell me, I will come back out once I have John, then you guys can cross the border. Only cross if the soldiers start fighting".

Steele didn't like the idea of his mate going alone, but there was no option. For this plan to work he had to let her go.

Ava looked at Flynn and Leo and they turned and walked away knowing what she was asking.

Reaching for his hand she gripped it tightly, looking up she sees he's already looking at her with an intense stare. "I mean it Steele, do not come after me, I won't risk anyone's life. Especially not yours" she says.

He smirks "I can handle myself" he says.

Ava shakes her head "You can handle yourself, but if it gets too much Tiberius will take over and no one will make it out alive".

He knew what she was saying and reluctantly nodded. This past week he had been doing everything opposite to his normal routine and his wolf was getting agitated by it. Tiberius wasn't one for following other people orders and since past events, he hasn't been a wolf in control.

Leaning towards him she leaves a kiss on his jaw; it was the highest she could reach on tippy toes and Steele's tall stance.

Taking a breath, Ava stepped over the territory and turned to give one last smile to Steele then vanished in the bushes.

As she creeped through the green, she saw that the pack warriors still weren't patrolling, and for once she was grateful, she needed to get to John without alerting anyone.

Stealth mode was a game she used to play with her father when she first shifted. It was a way for Samuel to train his daughter to be quiet when spying and stalking. Though there was a lot of laughter to begin with, Ava quickly learned, and she would spend hours out in the woods of the Night Star territory while her father tried to find her. It was only when dark fell that she had to come out forfeiting the game.

Ava made her way to the pack house, it seemed John had everyone stay inside whilst this situation was happening. Which meant John was in the pack house too.

She saw four soldiers stationed outside. Two for each door into the pack house. She figured the back entrance would be more difficult and went for the front door.

They never saw her coming. Both necks were snapped before they could let out a warning.

That however wasn't the hardest part. When she opened the door, Ava was greeted by the mass of teenage wolves, all the lounging around the living. She needed to pass that to get to the office.

She prepared herself to run, only Kyle's whore decided to make an appearance and spotted Ava. The she-wolf opened her mouth in shock. Ava took that as an opportunity to gag the girl. Jane began to fight against Ava's hold.

"Stop it, if they the council find me here, I'm dead" she whispers but Jane kept fighting, she didn't care for Ava.

"Kyle will die too" Ava spits.

Jane stops fighting and remains silent.

Ava removed her hands from Jane and the girl jumped backwards "This is all your fault" she whisper shouts.

Ava rolls her eyes. Like she didn't already know that. "I don't care what you think, I need to get to John, where is he?" she asks.

Jane crosses her arms over her chest, she wasn't going to help a trader.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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