Chapter 16

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Ava and the Lycan Shadow Pack reached their territory twenty-four hours after the children had found them.

Steele led his warriors back over the border, Ava however stopped before she crossed into uninvited territory.

Steele saw his mate stop and he sent his Beta along, leaving him alone with Ava.

Shifted out of his wolf, Steele goes behind a tree and emerges with shorts on and a shirt in hand for Ava to wear.

Nathan steps off Ava and she catches the shirt in her mouth, disappearing behind a tree to shift.

Because of her small stature, the shirt she put on was practically touching her knees.

Walking back out she takes Rose from Nathan and then takes his hand for comfort.

"You have permission to enter my territory" his voice gruff.

Ava smiled slightly and stepped over the territory border.

Steele walked ahead with Ava and the children following.

She looks around the territory and saw she-wolves coming out of their homes and the pack house to greet their mates who they hadn't seen in weeks. No doubt fearing that they wouldn't come home.

Ava saw that everything they were told as children about the pack members were completely wrong, but she had already figured that out after her visit from the Goddess.

Steele led them into the pack house where Beta Flynn and Leo were sat at the counter stuffing their faces with the food laid out for them.

Ava watched as Steele walked out of the kitchen

"Nathan why don't you stay here okay, I'll be right back" she moves to leave but Nathan grabs her arm.

His face was full of fear and Ava completely understood why.

"I promise you they won't hurt you, if they did I would kill them all, Flynn and his brother Leo here will watch you" she gives both of the brothers and look and they nod, official Luna or not, she was a Lycan and she was sacred to them all, whatever she said went there was no thinking about it. Pack member or not.

Ava was going to leave Rose, but she was sleeping peacefully in her arms and didn't want to disturb her.

Following her mates scent Ava ended up outside a door that was covered in Steele's scent, his office.

She gave a small knock and then entered without waiting for permission to enter.

Steele was sat at his desk, a bottle of whiskey on the desk top and a glass in hand.

"Are you okay?" she asks. To be honest she had no idea what to say to him and this seemed the most appropriate, especially since she was the cause behind it all.

Steele takes another sip of his old whiskey and then pours himself another glass.

"I'm sorry" she begins, "If I had known that all this would have happened, I would have never agreed to train Mason's warriors, I should have stayed in the Night Star Pack and all of this would have never happened, and you would have gotten your revenge".

Steele's grip on the glass tightens until it smashes in his grasp.

Ava gasps and watched as he got to his feet and moved around the desk to Ava.

"You wish we had never met?" he asks his tone dropping to deadly.

"Yes, no... well, I don't know, everything is so messed up right now I don't know what to think" she explains.

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