Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
"I will unite you."

"You should be grateful. Entrance exams is in the beginning of April and there is no way you're going to be able to lift robots" he says as he leans back in the chair, "Your quirk is also pretty strong-" Suddenly his eyes widened as he spoke, "Dont get a big ass head about it!" he glares at me as my eyes sparkled. He totally just complimented me, "My quirk is still stronger than yours! Not only that you get all weak and shit when you use your quirk!" He says angrily and I smile brightly, nodding

"I know. Your quirk is so much stronger than mine" I say as I was extremely happy he complimented my quirk for being strong. For someone like him to acknowledge my quirk for being strong, that really meant a lot, a lot more than anyone else's opinion.

"Ah- im so happy" Mom says as she moved between Katsuki and I. Her arms moving to wrap around our necks as she pulled us into a hug. Katsuki let out a grunt but didnt fight back as I giggled. Katsuki's word definitely put a little more relief in me to get rid of the confusion of UA sending me a recommendation. He was right, I should be really thankful.

-y/n pov-

I yawn as I came out of my room. I had finally finished up home schooling for today and it was finally time to relax. I had spent a few extra hours today doing assignments, meaning it was about time Katsuki got home. The end of March was coming and that means spring break for Katsuki was right around the corner. That also mean Katsuki's graduation was coming up, which I was excited to see as they were supposed to be holding some kind of graduation for the 3rd years. I was going to go because Kazue, but its going to be fun to see Katsuki while he is at school.

My feet moves to slip on my shoes as my hand moves to pull out of my phone out of my pocket. I looked down at my phone as there were notifications from news reporters as they were blasting about a villain attack that had happened this morning.

I walked out of the house and over to the Bakugou's house. Like usual, I made myself at home on their couch. My drawing tablet was sitting on the coffee table in front of me as I started to decide to leave it here. I mean, this was where I normally spent my time anyways. "Afternoon, Y/n" Mitsuki says as she comes over to me,

"Afternoon" I beamed as she sits on the couch, resting her head against me, "You seem tired today" I laugh as she yawned.

"just a bit." She says as her hands moved to the tv remote and she turns on the tv, "That reminds me. Youre going to Kazue's graduation?"

I nod, "Yeah"

"We should all go together, since Katsuki is graduating as well. Its been awhile since we all had a nice walk outside" Mitsuki says and I brighten up,

"Yeah! okay!" I laughed as my attention moved to the coffee table. I use my quirk to float my drawing tablet to me and I turn it on to draw as Mitsuki watched Tv.

"Oh my..." Mitsuki says after awhile, making my head move up to the screen. My eyes widened at the tv as there was currently a live news video going on. It was in the middle of out town and it was showcasing a massacre.

"It seems like the heroes here are having a hard time with the commotion!" The news man says as he was standing off to the side, the fire burning behind them as they were reporting what was going on. His eyes widened as his hand presses against his ear, turning to the massacre. "Not only are the heroes are having a hard time but it seems like there was a kid taken hostage!" the man reports as the camera moves from the man and zooms into the fire. I coudnt see nothing but smoke but suddenly there was a spark in the dark clouds which was followed by an explosion.

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