The Day

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The week flies by fast and before Trixie can even think of it, it's another Monday. She thinks about the call she made last Monday a lot. She's so excited for her appointment with Katya. Katya Zamolodchikova, the name is still on her mind how it sounds so strong and beautiful at the same time.

Trixie doesn't sleep that night. Butterflies in her stomach and a thought out sketch in the drawer of her bedside table.

She waits for her alarm to go off, as it's the alarm for Alex too. She sits up on her bed, quickly stands up and gets a light head rush. Trixie slips on her flip flops and walks to the kitchen.

She starts making the breakfast while Alexander walks out of the bedroom and heads straight into the bathroom. After everything's prepared they sit together to enjoy the meal together before Alex leaves for work again.

It's 7:20AM when he leaves the apartment. Trixie's appointment isn't until 11:00AM so she decides to try and get some sleep. After trying to fall asleep for about half an hour she finally  does with an alarm set to 9:30AM.

She jumps up as the alarm rings through the whole apartment. She does her usual shower routine filling the whole room with a sweet vanilla scent just like last night.

Trixie opens the doors of her huge closet and seletcs a skin tight light pink button up dress. She gets dressed and starts doing her makeup.

Trixie touches the tip of the eyeliner pen to the outer corner of her eye and draws a perfectly straight line creating a small wing. Trixie finishes her makeup off with some setting spray, puts on her favorite pink pumps and makes her way outside of her apartment building.

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