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Dylan was standing there just looking at me..
"May I help you?" I asked confused why he was here and how he got in. "Yes you may." He said pushing me against the walk starting to kiss me. I didn't kiss back but I knew Cole would be home and second. "Get off!" I screamed trying to push him off of me. "How could I you just so pretty" he said while kissing her neck. The door swung open and Cole's eyes were wide "help" I mouthed as he can over and knocked Dylan out. I ran into Cole's arm and started crying. "What happened?" He asked me while I rubbing my back. "I heard the door open and I thought it was you so u went out from my room and he pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me. I am sorry." I said sobbing into his chest. "Don't be sorry you didn't do anything"

After I felt a tad bit better Cole woke Dylan up and threw him out. I went to my room and changed as I heard a knock on my door. "May I come in?" I heard Cole ask from the other side of the door. "Yes bub you may" I said as I opened the door. I sat back down and continued to take off my makeup while Cole just looked at me. When I was done I laid down as Cole wrapped his arms around me and help me close until we both fell asleep.

After everything that happened that night I felt like i could trust Cole to be there like Anthony wasn't.

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