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I woke up wrapped in Cole's arms. I was really tired so I rolled over and tucked my head into his chest and fell back asleep for another hour. When I woke up once more I smelled pancakes coming from the kitchen. I got up to put on my hoodie and shorts. I finally was dressed so I walked out into the kitchen to see Cole putting pancakes on a plate. I just ran over and hugged him once he put everything in the sink. "Thank you. I love you so much Cole I don't know where i would be without you." I said standing on my tip toes to kiss him, but before I could he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed me. I just laid my head on his chest while he held me. "I love you too y/n." He said playing with my hair. He set me down and we ate breakfast. "Cole! We were supposed to leave yesterday to go to your parents for Christmas!" I said just realizing. "Yes I know. We are going to leave later I told them we would be a day late due to something that came up." He said calming me down "thank you bub. I think I should tell you about Anthony." I said putting our plates in the sink. After we cleaned up I sat him on the couch. "So me and Anthony met in the 7th grade. We dated off and on at the time. Since we were only in 7th grade we didn't do anything. But one day I went to his house and he started taking my clothes off me and shoving me up against the wall. I kept telling him to stop. But he didn't so I kneed him and ran. I told my parents and they didn't care the just kept hitting me and give my black eyes." I said at the verge of crying. "When we got into senior year me and Anthony had been broken up. But he found out I told my parents so he came up to me when I was alone at home and started punching me and scratched me and just kept hurting me. I couldn't take it anymore so I almost ended it all when I got here. But you saved me Cole you saved me from killing my self." I said crying. He got up and picked me up. I just laid in his arms crying. "Y/n I- I don't know what to say. But I love you and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He said lifting my head up so I looked him directly in the eyes. I just smiled and hugged him. "Come on let's go pack." I said as he carried me to our bedroom.

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