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"Oh um hello I am Cole her boyfriend. She is sleeping so you can come back later but I could wake her up it doesn't matter..." he said wondering why I never said anything about him. "Um can u wake her up please. I need to talk to her." Anthony said looking around "yeah sure let me get her"

"Y/n wake up someone's here to see you." He said nudging my arm. "Oh good morning bub who is here?" I said clueless of what was going on "just come out. But put some shorts on." He said walking out. But what I didn't know was who would be sitting on my sofa when I walked out. "Bub can I make some coffee first." I aid walking out. When I looked over I seen Anthony. But I knew I couldn't show fear to him " what the heck are you doing here!" I screamed at Anthony "y/n I just came to talk. I wanted to say I am sorry about what I did to you." He said smiling at me "Sorry doesn't fix that you punched me and hit me and gave me cuts and bruises all over my body! Now get out of my house before I have Cole throw you out!" I said Screaming once again "y/n please" he replied "GET OUT!" I screamed running over to him "COLE GET HIM OUT!" I screamed at Cole. Next thing I knew Cole had Anthony over his shoulder carrying him out.

As soon as he shut the door I fell to the floor and just cried I didn't know what to do. Cole sat next to me and I just hugged him. He held me in his arms for at least an hour. "Y/n you don't have to talk about this now but I would like to know when your ready." Cole said kissing me on the head " I will tell you tomorrow I promise but can we just go to bed." I asked looking at him "yes we can come on" he said picking me up and carrying me to the room.

The roommate (Cole x reader)Where stories live. Discover now