2: Bestie?

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I pulled into my executive parking space at Ari's Publishers later than I expected to. The almost intimidating six story building with a giant golden AP on top was my pride and joy. My baby, my dream come true and the manifestation of my years, blood, sweat and tears. It was my lifetime goal to be the owner of my own book publishing business and with time, I built an empire that I truly admired.

After my usual five minutes of admiration, just sitting in the driver's seat of my Audi staring at the building, I got out and headed for the top floor. I smiled brightly at Gregory, my PA who handed me a fresh cup of coffee and a copies of the New York Times.

"Good morning!" The excitement in my voice scared me a bit, "how's Rachel?"

Greg laughed and shook his head, "you don't wanna know."

I chuckled. Greg's fiancé, Rachel was planning their wedding, a wedding that I had turned down the offer of being their third maid of honor for the fifth time.

"You're probably right." I said, heading to my office. "Anything for me?"

"Oh, yeah. Steven called twice, said he wants to talk." I groaned out loud, feeling a headache starting to creep in. The guy seems to think that I'm playing hard to get when I simply don't want to be gotten? "Two new books are on your desk to look at before finalizing their publications. One is Wray's horror short stories and KW's Historical Romance... Dining With the Enemy."

"Oh, great! He finally finished it." Karl Warren is the biggest procrastinator I've ever met, but he is a really brilliant writer. "Can't wait to read... I mean, look at them."

Greg grinned, giving me a knowing look. "And Rick McNeil, your new client called. He wants to meet with you today."

I nodded, not sure why I suddenly felt mildly panicked at the mention of his name. Maybe it was the fact that Rick isn't just my new client. He was once a friend, one even closer than Samantha. We grew up together and we're inseparable, or so I thought until we graduated college and he left to start his career as a Travel Journalist. He went all over the globe then and we sort of grew apart and stopped communicating.

Recently though, he contacted AP seeking a publisher for his manuscript. Something that he's been working on during his time, traveling. We signed him up and held virtual meetings but now he's planning to meet me in person to sign contracts and stuff. Just to sign papers and then he'll get back on the road. I hope so.

I forced on a smile and nodded. "Oh, okay. Sure."

I stepped into my comfort corner and was about to close the door when Greg called over his shoulder. "You seem a little... On edge. You okay?"

"I am, yes." What?

He shook his head unconvinced. "I thought you'd be happy."

I felt my palms start to sweat which really annoyed me. "I am. We were good friends, you know? Rick and I."

"I know. He called you bestie."

"He did?"

Greg nodded and sat up as the phone on his desk started ringing. "But you don't seem happy."

I sighed. "Get back to work."

He picked up the phone as I closed myself inside my office. I almost sighed in relief for some reason, when I accidentally overheard his side of the conversation and my heart rate sped up.
"Aries Publishers, Ariadne's office. How my assist-

Oh, hello again Mr McNeil... Of course, she just got here...

Okay, great. I'll let her know... Today at ten. That's in half an hour. Yes, I'm sure she'd like that.  Okay, see you then."

I popped my head out just as his swivel chair swung around to face me. Greg grinned at me and I became wary of the twinkle in his eyes. "What was that about?"

"How does brunch sounds to you?" He asked instead.

My stomach responded with a tiny growl and I remembered that I skipped breakfast to get lectured by Sam. "Do I have time for that?"

He nodded, his excitement leveling up by the seconds. "Yes, your schedule is clear for the next two hours."

I narrowed my eyes at me and plastered a plastic smile on my face, "okay." Spit it out already.

"Rick's taking you out in half an hour."

"What? Did you even ask me if I was okay with that?" I was feeling too many different emotions at the same time so I decided to focus on being pissed off other than the strange warm feeling inside my chest and actual anticipation.

"I didn't think you'd mind. I'm sorry boss, it won't happen again." Greg's smile vanished and was replaced by a genuinely remorseful one.

I sighed, feeling awful. "I don't mind. Just ask me first next time."

"Yes, boss." He straightened up in his seat and went back to work on whatever he was doing at his desk.

It's Ariadne, I didn't say as I reluctantly found my chair grabbed the first book that was lying on a neat pile on my desk.

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