13: A change of Plans

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I was wrapped up in a mid-thigh, silk robe that exploited my cleavage, trying to paint my toenails my door told me that someone was outside again. I pulled it open and almost wet my panties at the gorgeous dimpled grin that greeted me on the other side.

"She just left." Rick said, offering me a plate of food. It took a short while before his coffee colored eyes left mine and traveled over my body, seemingly on their own accord.

I let them for a while, enjoying the wonderful feeling that washed over me as he admired my exposed skin. Not even caring that things are probably going to get weird pretty soon after. I looked him over too and noticed that Rick was dressed for the road. His trademark navy blue blazer partly covered his white, button down shirt, a pair of jeans and sneakers.

"You're leaving?" I mean, you're going out. Cool. I'm totally fine with that. It's not like I wanted to talk to you or anything. I felt my heart sink with the question and I hated that I wanted him to say no.

He nodded, watching me carefully, "Yes. But if you need anything I can do it before I go."

"No," I said too quickly and at a higher than normal pitch. "I don't need anything. I'm fine."

He sighed, stepping around me and into my room without permission. Just like old times. I didn't mind then, I shouldn't now. I don't! He pulled out the single chair that was always in a corner of my room and sat down, fixing me with a determined stare. "I'm right here. Talk."

His voice was rough and demanding with a tinge of strictness that held no room for games. It turned me on and for a moment I lost the ability to form words. "Well... Ummm... Yyyou see..."

I took a deep breath and played with the small bow that I made with the strap on my robe. "It's about the kiss."

His eyes widened in surprise and a large grin invaded his face. "So we're not pretending nothing happened!" Then he went all sad and somber, his dimples disappearing. "Or you hated it and is about to tell me it's never going to happen again."

I shook my head and stepped closer to him to place my  hands on his shoulders. "I didn't hate it."

"Then what?" He looked up at me with hopeful eyes. The look that had become all too familiar lately. "Did you like it?"

"Perhaps." I said, and moved closer with purpose. Let's see how hard it is to seduce my bestie. "I didn't get enough to know for sure." I rubbed my leg against one of his and watched as he licked his lips and shifted a little in his seat.

"Do you want to find out?" He asked. His hands formed fists at his sides again and his voice dipped to a dangerous whisper.

"Do you want me to find out?" Just jump him already!

"Yes. Don't tease me, Ariadne Johansson." My full name has never sounded so sexy coming from anyone before.  I lost it, lowering myself into his lap and claiming his lips finally as mine.

He didn't dare touch me, and it drove me crazy so I took his hands and placed them on my ass. I moaned against his lips as Rick's large hands squeeze me, pressing me against his erection. I guess my small encouragement was all he needed as his fingers traveled upwards, under my robe. They stopped right below my breasts and my pebbled nipples begged for his touch, but he just kept it there.

"Rick," I whispered against his lips, "won't you touch me?" I felt the need to beg and it almost embarrassed me. Almost.

"Are you sure you want this, Ari?" came his deep voice that sent shivers all over my body.

I would've rolled my eyes if I wasn't so heated. "Yes, dammit!"

He cursed under his breath, lifting me up as he walked towards my bed. "Do you have any idea how sexy you are when you're like that?"

What?! I didn't get to ask out loud as he dropped me roughly on the bed and crawled on top of me. Pretty soon, I had no idea where my robe flew and I had my lips and hands all over my best friend's shirtless torso. I've gone mad! Was my thoughts as we discorded the remains of our close and resumed our sexual dance.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" I asked breathlessly as I tried to think of reasons why we shouldn't do this.

He shook his handsome head, "not anymore."

Okay, great! I threw all other concerns out the window as I let him have his way with me, giving me sensations that I never knew I needed until now. An hour later, we laid naked in my bed, Ricky spooning me and placing little tiny kisses on my shoulder and neck. I was a bundle of satisfied but very exhausted body of muscles. I had started to fall asleep when someone's phone went off on my bedside table.

I stretched and lazily grabbed the thing and looked at it, only to realize it belonged to Rick and accidentally caught sight of a text message. It was Monica asking if she was being stood up, or something along that line. I tossed Rick his phone and sat up, glaring at him.

"Monica! Really?" He didn't even look at the thing yet.

"I swear Ari, it's not like that." He rushed out as he checked his message.

"Not like what?" Are you fracking kidding me?!

He sighed and got out of bed, finding his underwear. "It's nothing serious. We were just going to get a drink..."

"I don't care what you had planned, Rick." I was thinking about Monica. "You have the poor woman at some club somewhere waiting while you're here in bed with your best friend."

He gave me an incredulous look. "You're the best friend!"

"Does it matter?"


"No!" I yelled back at him as he hauled on his pants, "get the hell out and go talk to the girl."


"Go! And make sure to tell her to stop waisting her time on you cause she deserves better." I guess I said that out of hurt but I was too upset to think about it or feel sorry.


"Out Rick!" I shouted, "before I drag you beck to bed."

He paused midway into putting on his shirt and gave me a dimpled grin, taking a step towards me.

"Now!" I pointed at the door. He groaned loudly and grabbed his blazer, walking out of my bedroom and closing the door lightly.

I ran shaky hands through my hair as I finally allowed myself to process what just happened. The baby blue nail polish, dried on my sheets and the smudges on my toenails helped me put the pieces together. It was amazing, and I'd do it again, but I wasn't sure if I should be ashamed or scared out of my mind at the knowledge. I was definitely dreading our next encounter.

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