31: Kicking and Screaming

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I told myself I'd keep it together, and I was doing fine right from the start. I wasn't panicking at all, and I was quite proud of myself. I had no idea how Moxie knew what had happened, but something told me it had everything to do with Chad. Now, she silently gave me side glares as she watched me pace the halls of the hospital, unsure what to do. I mean, I know all we had to do was wait and let the doctors do their thing when the time came, but it was chaos in my brain, and my heart rate skyrockets every time Ariadne cries out.

They were getting louder, and obviously more painful, and as much as I wanted to stay by her side right through, she wouldn't let me! Everyone who goes inside her room who isn't the doctor, gets shouted at. Moxie, was the only one who; excepting the professionals of course, didn't seem phased by this. She kept poking her head in at Ari only to have something thrown at her or be screamed at. If I didn't know better I'd think she was enjoying it.

"Rick, calm down. She's not dying." Moxie turned to me right after a small tissue box flew over her head from out the room.

"Easy for you to say!" It flew out of my mouth before I could think. "She's only eight months! We were at the game, and she was so happy! And she was eating well, and no arguing, and she wasn't ready yet!"

Samantha and Gregory and Moxie, even Monica, who was somehow seated with us beside Lucas turned to stare at me.  We met the two here, I mean, Ari and I met all of them here, but Monica was with Lucas here for a different reason before we arrived. We didn't talk much, she just said everything was okay. Anyway, I shrugged off their speculative looks, pretty sure I looked and sounded crazy. Of course we were ready, we've been ready since forever, but still, nothing could prepare me for this.

Moxie patted me on the shoulder, "It's gonna be ok-"

"RRIIICKYYYYY!" We all jumped in our spots, and I quickly scrambled back into the brightly lit room. "I need water!" She said, forcing on a smile. She was sprawled out on the bed, legs apart and propped up by a bunch of pillows that Moxie brought from home.

I opened a bottled water and she took it from me with trembling hands. Ari only managed a few sips before she clenched the bottle and half it's content spilled on her chest as she screamed. "AAAHHHH! HOLY SHIT! WHERE'S THE FREAKING DOCTOR? GET OUT!"

For a minute, I didn't recognize my fiancé and it scared the crap out me. I spun on my heals and almost sprinted for the door when she called me back. "DAMMIT RICK! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!"

"I I I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere! I'll stay." I went back to her side.

She grabbed onto my hand closest to her, the bottle of water nowhere to be seen. "You can't leave me in here again Ricky! You can't, I need you!"

"I promise I won't." I grabbed the closest chair to me and sat down by her side. The doctor had asked her if she wanted an epidural injection to stop the pain, but she screamed at her something pretty close to hell no, but not quite. The same doctor, who's name I've forgotten, came back to check on her. She nodded at me and then mumbled about a few more minutes as she walked back out.

I looked back at Ari, her bottom lip was swollen from constantly  biting it, her hair was clinging to the sides of her face from sweat and her tears ran to mix with them. I felt the strongest urge to tell her I'm sorry, like all of her pain was my fault and the feeling clashed with all my other crazy emotions I had. Her soft hands came up to touch my face and I refocused on her teary eyes. She wiped under mine with her thumb and hummed softly.

"It's okay, Ricky. I'm okay." She forced a smile, but her eyebrows betrayed her. I nodded and blinked back some more tears I didn't know I was shedding.

"Yes, my queen?"

She chuckled a little, then flinched. "I love you."

I blinked down at her, not quite sure I heard her right. If it was just me or she really did say what I thought I heard her say. If my heartbeat was attached to one of those cardiac machines the whole hospital would hear it go off.

"Rick, say something!" She squeezed my hands. "Did you hear me?"

"Oh my God!" My voice sounded strange. "Say that again, please?"

She laughed this time and cradled my head, pulling me closer. "I love you. I love you so much, I was scared to say it out loud for so long, but I'm not anymore because... I actually don't why..."

We both laughed. "I know. I knew you did. I love you too, baby!"

Our foreheads pressed together as we both tried to put a reign on our uncontrollable feelings. We stayed that way for a while, her running her fingers through my hair and lightly pulling on it as the pain came. She'd clench her teeth and grab onto the sheets and silently swore at nothing in particular, then chuckled ever so slightly at my widened eyes.

A whole squad of doctors and nurses marched in after some time and announced it was time for delivery. I stuck by her side right through, not that I could leave, I had no choice even though I didn't really want to. She held onto me so tight, I lost feelings in one arm, but I didn't mind at all. One doctor asked if I wanted to catch our baby, but my fear of dropping her kept me rooted in my spot by Ariadne. Soon enough, the loud cry of our baby filled the room and I finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

A kicking and screaming baby girl was placed into Ariadne's arms. Some more minutes later, the doctors finished up whatever they were doing and informed us that the others could come in. I stayed for a little while staring at the tiny bundle as she stared back with bright, wide eyes that looked so familiar. I looked back at Ariadne and found the same eyes staring back at me.

"Oh crap, I have two Aries now!" We laughed and she pecked me on the cheeks.

"Three, if you count my mom."

"Even worse." I groaned playfully, finally getting up to call the others. "I'll be right back."

They all nearly trampled me to see the baby, all asking the one question. "What are you naming her?" Chad looked like he'd arrived some time during all the chaos.

"I have the perfect name!" Moxie announced, taking over my seat.

"Oh no, you don't mother!" And Ari sounded as if she was revived by some super power.

Moxie just chuckled, "Of course not, hunny. Just her middle name."

"Her middle name is Alexia, mom." Ari said with finality and Moxie squealed with joy.

"Even better!"

My fiancé grinned at me and we both nodded at each other silently. "Her name's Jessica." I said my mom's name, and those who knew approved with a sentimental smile.

A Baby By Bestie Where stories live. Discover now