11: Mother Moxie

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I woke up late and just in time for my drama queen mother to arrive. I pushed my feet into a pair of fluffy bunny slippers and dragged myself to the door, feeling the other lady's excitement all the way from outside. I plastered a smile unto my sleepy face and pulled the door open.

"Where is he? I haven't seen him in so long!" My mom, Alexis handed me a grocery bag filled to it's brim with food and angled her head around me to search my living room with her eyes.

"Good morning to you too, mother." I said dryly and stepped away to let her in.

Before long a loud, delighted cheer erupted from behind me, causing me to jump in fright. "MOXIE!!!" Rick practically jumped over the couch and TV to bury himself into my mom's slightly chubby embrace. The long forgotten affectionate name he used to call her suddenly had a rebirth. Moxie. They shared such a special bond that he'd merged the words mom and Lexie together and made them one.

"Oh my boy, how you've grown! How've you been doing?" She held him at arms length and looked him over with motherly love. I felt like I wasn't needed, literally invisible, so I slowly and silently retreated to the kitchen to check out what she had brought us. I could still here them from where I was anyway.

"I'm doing well, Moxie, though I've missed you badly." They sound like old English people who've been separated for forevers. "I hope you got my letters. Did you?"

"Yes, every Christmas. But I never knew how to send a reply, you keep moving around." Letters? Oh yeah! The ones that I purposely not read every year they arrive. What the frick happened to calls and text messages and emails? My bad, timelines and schedules.

They talked for a long while before the two decided to join me in the kitchen. Rick went straight for the coffee machine, barely glancing at me. "Morning Ari." He sort of mumbled.

I was suddenly reminded of, first my morning attire and then what happened the night before. I'm in a thigh length, oversized t-shirt that covered the only other piece of clothes, a pair of panties and no bra. And I'm in the same room with my mom and a best friend who I happened to make out with last night!

I managed to rush out something that sounded more like "mning!" In a sort of high pitched wail before making a beeline for my room once again. I could just feel mother boring a hole through the back of my head with a confused look as I ran away. This morning is a disaster already! I can't do this!

I can't be around Rick. Not right now and I don't think anytime soon. I still can't believe what happened and the strange and scary thing is, I actually liked it! Like if it was to happen again... No! No no no. It won't happen again. Friends don't kiss each other on the lips and love it. Let's just pretend that nothing happened.

I nodded to no one and picked out a pair of baggy sweats and a blue tank top. I then brushed my teeth and gave myself a shower, making sure I wasted enough time. That way, I might be lucky enough to have breakfast by myself. But, as life would have it, I found them still seated at the table caught up in a little banter.

"But you've moved in, now's your chance." Mom said, gathering up their empty plates.

I pretended not to listen to them and went to see what was left for me. "It's only temporary, Moxie. I told Ari that I'll get a place soon."

"What's wrong with staying here? It'll be just like old times." Was my mom trying to force Rick to stay with me? Ugh! I swear that woman!

I kept my back to them as I poured out a steamy cup of coffee and plating some still warm pancakes. "I know, but-"


I turned just as Rick looked up at me with pleading in his eyes. He was silently but desperately crying for help. "Mom," I said, taking a seat where she was sitting a while ago."Stop. You can't make him do what he doesn't want to."

Mom brought their plates to sink. I think she's about to ignore me but then she spoke. "This is partially my fault."

"What?" Both Rick and I said together.

"You both know what I'm talking about," she turned on us. "Rick, hunny, quit pretending that you're not madly in love with my daughter."

"I'm not," he mumbled under his breath but I heard it.

At this point, I no longer felt like eating even though I was hungry. I just really wanted to leave this conversation. "And you, Ariadne," I suddenly felt like I was backed up in a corner. "Your stubbornness is eating away at your chances of happiness. If you two hadn't spent your entire lives trying to ignore each other's true feelings, I'd have grandchildren by now!"

Is this a good time to tell her she probably will have her wish come true?

"And if only I hadn't allowed it to go on for so long. Rick, do you have any idea what it's like to watch your Ari feign strength and positivity for almost six years? Whenever she had a success with the company, she'll just tell me and then crawl up to her room to sulk."

"I was fine, mother!" I almost yelled. No need to dig up old skeletons. What is it, her day to clean out her closet?

"Baby, you always say that and I know better than to believe it."

I sighed heavily. I took a sip of my coffee and almost spit it out. It had gone lukewarm after a while. "I was-"


"No!" I stood up determined not to take anymore of this.

"Moxie, please. I'm trying to repair my friendship. Don't make it harder." Rick's voice pleaded. I couldn't get myself to look at him.

Mother huffed, "Friendship? You two would've been married already!"

Are. You. Serious? Okay, that's it! I got up and left them in my kitchen. I found myself back into my room, glaring daggers at my closed door. A tiny tear drop made its way down my cheeks and I suddenly felt week and defeated. Leave it up to mother to suck the joy right out of my morning. You won't be disappointed one bit.

I grabbed my journal and AP pen and curled up into my unmade bed. I scribbled the date on top of a clean page and wiped at the tear that landed on it.

Dear journal,
My day can't possibly get any worse. Mother is here. I guess that alone can tell you what's up.

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