30: Half Time

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"So, what are you going to do at work today?" This has been my constant question every morning as I watched Ricky get ready for work. I also made it a point of duty to do literally everything for him, since he'll end up leave for work and I'd either be stuck with Samantha or my mother.

But today was different. Today, I actually had an ulterior motive. After they rushed me to the hospital causing me to miss the better half of AP's anniversary soirée, we found out that my pains were in fact that guy's contractions. I gave everyone the stink eye after that, especially mom since she was always around. And more so now. She was even here when Samantha's here, plus on the weekend! And they both seem to think yoga is some kind of magic performance. I was eight months in and had roughly one month left for them to stop breathing down my neck. I. Was. Sick. Of. Them.

Rick handed me his hair brush and sat down between my legs on the bed. "Today, I'm covering a football match a-"

"I'm coming with you!" I demanded, not even waiting until he finished.

"Don't you have something special planned out for Moxie today?" He asked, turning his head to look at me and I ended up brushing his hair the wrong way.

I sighed, "exactly." He mimicked my sigh. "I promise I'll be good!"

I peered down at him and batted my eyelashes rapidly. He just stared back at me, furrowed his bushy eyebrows as if he was truly considering it. I knew though, that there was no use attempting an argument with me and he knew that too. He huffed and looked away, knowing he lost the battle before it even started.

"Okay, fine!" He finally gave in. I screamed and tackled him on the bed, peppering little kisses on his face and earning a few giggles from him. "But you have to listen to my whole schedule, it's going to bore you half to death!"

"I'm better off bored than annoyed any day!" I sat up on his stomach.

"You're killing me!" He sort of wheezed, and patted my butt lightly, telling me to get up.


"Okay," Rick sat up as soon as I got off him, "First we pick up Chad, then stop by my office for some notes."

I nodded.

"Then we head to the country club in town for a golf tournament and then football at the stadium. I'll write the stories after each game."

"Sounds fun."

"No sarcasm, Ari." He wiggles a finger at me.

"Sir, yes sir!" I gave him a salute and hopped off the bed and got myself ready as fast as I could.

I wore a sky blue sundress with daisies on it, paired with white sandals. I packed myself a little bag full of food and other necessities and made sure to call mother and tell her not to come over. She took it quite well. I made myself a peanut butter and ice cream sandwich and was in my coat, jumping up and down at the front door by the time Rick came to my side.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready!" I screamed and he cringed.

"You don't even like sports that much."

"Shut up."

We picked up Chad at Samantha's place. A confused looking Chad at that as he spotted me in the back seat. I chose the back because I promised I'd pretend I wasn't even there. I promised.

Chad jumped in the front passenger seat and poked his head around the back to look at me. "Hey! What's going on?"

I showed him all my pearly whites and Rick just shake his head and chuckled. "She gave me no choice, so we're stuck with her today."

"Oh cool! You can watch him order me around." He grinned at me as we pulled back onto the road.

"I do not!"

Chad laughed and it was so infectious, I found myself cackling in the back seat. "'Chad, I need a wide shot of this! Chad, gimme a close up of that! Chad tell me you caught that on camera! Chad-"

"Okay, okay!" Rick waved his free hand in the air. "We get it!"

I laughed all the way to the office and the country club, realizing that I really hadn't spend enough time with Chad to notice he was such a joker. I mean, I can bet you all his bones are funny bones! He can get the most serious man alive to crack up. By the time we got through the golf tournament and arrived at the football game, I was completely out of food and my cheeks wet from laughing tears.

The front of Chad's white t-shirt had a huge grass stain on it from laying down to get a good shot of the ball, just before it rolled into a hole. Rick took over Chad's seat at the front so he could type on his laptop while his partner drove. We got a seat in the middle of the crowded bleachers and got ourselves hotdogs, sodas and popcorn. The whole thing felt like a Friday afternoon when I was a teen tailing Rick to every game even when I don't understand a thing that was going on on the fields. The loud cheers, laughter, screams, whistles and absolute chaos around me was almost overwhelming.

As the game started, I watched Rick scribble his scribbles and Chad snaps his camera every once in a while following Rick's directions. I sat down quietly in my seat the entire time, just watching them, and by half time, I was all fidgety to get up and walk around. Rick finally took his eyes off the game and sat down.

"Hey, are you okay? He asked.

I nodded, "can we go for a little walk?" I had to shout over the noise. He nodded and took my hand, telling Chad that we'd be back soon.

There wasn't much places to go that was close by, so we stuck to walking around the parking lot. We were standing under the only tree in close proximity feeding each other popcorn when it happened. And by it I mean a warm trickle of liquid down my legs that, for a while I sort of froze up because I swore I peed myself.

"Is something wrong, babe?" Rick was always so attentive, even in my most embarrassing moments. I thought I was done with this since preschool!

I opened my mouth to say something when the pain started. It wasn't too bad, just enough to make me convinced I didn't actually wet myself with urine. My embarrassment changed to surprise as I clutched at Rick.

"I think my water just broke!"

My fiancé sprung into action right away, probably forgetting he was actually at work. "Okay! Let's get you to the car! I'll call Moxie!"

"Why? Don't call her!"

"Why not?" He gently, but swiftly walked me to the car, cradling me by my back and shoulder. "And I'll tell Chad to take over from here. He'll be thrilled!"

He made sure I was inside the car again before he jumped in the driver's seat and called his partner. "Chad, Ari's water broke!" He sounded hysterical. "Yeah! I know man! You'll have to take over for me!"

"But it's half time!" Chad screamed from his end.

"Don't you think I know that?" Rick yelled and I suddenly felt like smacking him for it. "Sure, take as many pics as you want! I just need the final results! Good game! Report back to me when it's over! Great! Bye!"

He started the car and we were on our way the nearest hospital. To my surprise, he didn't call anyone else, not even his Moxie. But by the time I was given a room and settled in as best as I could, the whole crew was present. I was starting to have cold sweat and sharp pains when they all stuck their heads inside to smile and wave at me. I gave them my middle finger before I let out my first loud scream.

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