25: A Little Jelly

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The next day was Rick's first book signing and reading, which I had completely forgotten about up to the point where I was rudely awaken at five in the morning. I was all warm and cozy inside the pillow fort with Sam, having the most mystical dream about tiny feet, puréed fruits in a bowl and cute little socks and shoes. The next thing I knew, the souls of my feet started tickling and I sat up to find my fiancé holding up two shirts for me to choose.

"Stripes or no?" He asked in a hushed voice, fully aware that Samantha would twist his neck if he ever wakes her up from her peaceful slumber.

"Good morning to you too." I grumbled, rubbing my eyes and stretching.

He nodded, "yeah, sorry. Good morning beautiful sunshine and kisses." He shook the tops in my face, "so stripes or no stripes?"

I huffed, "what's the occasion?"

That made him pause and instantly dropped his hands to his sides. "I can't believe you just asked me that." That came out as a whine as he suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. The movement had me unbalanced for a while and he held me securely by my waist to keep me from toppling over.

"Okay, lemme think." I breathed out a sigh, "your birthday is in January, and we aren't married yet so no anniversary, unless it's our friendship anniversary which would be in... March?"

"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry, I'll tell you... Again." He said, pecking my lips twice.

I smiled a little embarrassed. "Okay, please."

"My book signing at the mall..."

I sucked in a surprise breath and squealed before I slapped my hands over my mouth. "Oh no, I'm so sorry I forgot, babe. I'm such a horrible partner, I-"

He cut me off with another kiss that left me breathless for a while. He was about to say something, probably that it was okay, when a disgusted Samantha stopped him. "Eeeww! Gross! Morning breath!" She practically yelled, struggling to get up out of our sleeping place.

When she finally got to her feet, she pretended to gag and slumped off towards the bathroom. Rick and I chuckled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room. I had to give Gregory a call because I'm pretty sure I always get atbleast a reminder about my authors' book signings and readings. I make sure I know everything so that they know I'm interested and supportive, not just from their assigned publishing team, but from me personally. So me not knowing or remembering something this important was strange to say the least.

I got my phone and dialed up my assistance, fully aware that it was barely passed five and he probably wouldn't be awake until at least half passed six. Surprisingly, he answered sounding like twelve in the afternoon plus ten cups of espressos and an energy bar. He ended up telling me that he was told by Rick not to tell me anything so that I don't add it to my "list of things to worry about."

This irked me to no end and I turned to glare at my fiancé who was examining two pairs of shoes with his back turned to me.

He turned and gave me a huge dimpled grin when I finished the call. "You're so adorable when you're pissed."

"Shut up. Who's your head of publication?" Usually, a small group of three very good employees manage the whole process of production, I just read over the very first copy of the book before they mass print them. Not even the first copy I managed to read.

"Some Justin somebody." Rick shrugged, coming to give me a hug.

"Oh, JJ," I smiled.

"JJ?" He asked, "what's that look for?"

I shook my head. "I was just remembering when he just started as an intern, not too long ago. Couldn't tell his left from his right. You'd think he was dyslexic but he was just nervous, for a whole month or so."

He huffed a little, "do you call all your employees by their nicknames?"

"Yup." I popped the p. "Why?"

He just huffed again and left the room, probably heading for the kitchen. If I didn't know better I'd say he was jealous. But he can't be, right? I have plenty of nicknames for him, especially these days.

We ended up at the mall, and the rented space set up for the signing and reading a little late, when everything was all set up and ready. It was after eleven and the busy morning was filled with excited screams and crowded walkways as passersby started to notice our presence.

As soon as we entered the room, Rick abandoned me to poke at the piles of nearly stacked hard cover children's books all with the name The Adventures of Mr Pookie and the Backyard Jungle on the front. From where I was standing at the entrance, the bright colors and big printed words on the front yelled for attention and I felt the kid in me spring to life. Next to his booth of books was a popcorn machine and cotton candy maker with someone managing them while selling other treats. In the center of the room were various seating furniture for reading time, a small set-up of a microphone and a one man camera crew. Wow!

They did all of this without me. I was so proud of my team and Ricky that I ended up wiping tears from my cheeks. As I searched for the rest of the team, Rick's desk got bombarded with little children and adults, holding onto to them for dear life. Then, Monica arrived with an eager looking young man in tow, who grabbed my hand and kissed it before I could even react to their arrival.

"Hi! I'm Lucas, and I've been dying to meet you." He was almost bouncing on his feet, and held the biggest smile I've ever seen.

I couldn't help my flattered laugh and the warmth that spread through me as I recognized his voice from the one phone call conversation we had. "hello, hi! How are you?"

"I feel awesome! Haven't been to the mall in ages!" He grinned at me and then his mother, who was just standing there staring at us with an equally wide smile. "You're even more gorgeous in person!"

I laughed, "oh stop it!"

"Yes, seriously stop it." Rick's voice appeared out of nowhere beside me. I looked his way and found him with a rather strained smile of his own. Oh okay then!?

I rolled my eyes. He wasn't at all this grumpy when he got here, which was not even give minutes ago. I refused to think that he was even a little bit jealous about Lucas's playful flattery. I should think we are passed that, right?

Lucas looks around sixteen, slightly chubby and absolutely adorable with his boyish smirk, sky blue eyes and black curls. "Lucas, this is my fiancé Rick, it's his book signing today. Rick, this is Lucas, Rose's son." I said looking up at Rick and watching his fake smile dim a little.

He stretched out a hand for Lucas, "It's nice to meet you, Lucas."

"Same here, man." Lucas grinned, "I am actually here for your book mostly."

"Really?" Rick's eyebrows furrow, definitely not believing Lucas.

He nodded anyway, "yeah, I would've met Ariadne at her office anyway. We're going to sign up for my mom's book!"

That was when Ricky noticed Monica, standing almost to one side just observing us. "That's great, Monica! You must be very excited."

She nodded and fidgeted with the silver watch on her wrist. "I am. Congratulations on your book, it looks great." 

We talked for a while until the children around Rick's booth started to get cranky, so he left us to have a little meet and greet while signing and selling his first published book. Pretty soon I had to leave for the office, but not before I watched him sit with the tiny tots and read for them in a surprisingly interactive and fun session. He sat himself on the carpeted floor with the kids while their parents occupied the chairs and couches, and read while they are away at ice cream and sandwiches.

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