3: Can I Take You Out Some Time?

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Apparently half an hour means five minutes to journalists. Either that or I had lost track of time while I was reading, because Greg's announcement through the intercom that Rick was here startled me more than the paranormal story that I was engrossed in. I vaguely remember telling my assistant to give me a sec as allowed myself to be sucked back into the book. I noted five typo errors so far, enough to warrant a recheck before the final mass printing. The captivating stories made compelled me to keep searching for more as I read.

A minute later a soft shadow fell over my desk and caused me to look up in annoyance. I quickly became pleasantly surprised as my eyes landed on the tall, ruggedly handsome man in a navy blue blazer and jeans. A white t-shirt tightly hugged his well chiseled abdominal area and  his biceps bulged through his clothed arms. The only thing familiar about him was the warm smile that graced his lips, his head of short black curls, perfectly groomed eyebrows and two adorable dimples on either sides of his face that only disappeared whenever he frowns.

I was expecting my long lost friend, Rick McNeil, not Vogue's next male model of the month. "Hi! I didn't see you come in." My voice sounded higher and even more annoying than the weird flutter in my stomach and the warmth on my face.

He chuckled softly and sauntered further into my office space, taking a seat on one of the chairs. "Ari! I haven't seen you in years."

"I wonder who's fault is that." It left my mouth before I could think about it but I didn't feel like taking it back.

His smile faltered a bit and he slowly nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry Ari. You know I never meant for things to be like this."

"I guess so," I offered a small lift of my lips, an attempt to look happy, but I could tell he saw right through me. "Are we still going to brunch? I'm hungry and I feel for Italian."

Rick's dimples popped back up with his blinding grin and I started to reciprocate it. His smile was always contagious, and for a long while I had forgotten just how much he affected me. It made a part of me want to spend the whole day with him, but another, more sensible part couldn't wait until the two "free" hours ended.

"Yes, and I know just the place. Come on." He stood up just as I did.

I grabbed my purse and walked around my desk and pass him as I headed for the door. I couldn't not notice the way he watched me, seemingly rooted to the spot and slowly turning to trail me through to the small adjoining room belonging to my PA. I saw Greg's eyebrows peek but he quickly hid his stupid expression behind the desktop computer screen.

"Be here by twelve for the sales meeting, boss." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, Greg."

We entered a small Italian restaurant a short while later, just a few minutes away from my building. We chose a table next to the large glass windows that overlooked the busy streets. Rick pulled out my chair for me, his subtle but manly cologne invading my sensory receptors. The alluring scent made me want to grab him by the collar and pull him in just to bury my face in his shirt and breath him in. The thought made me blush and I mentally slapped myself.

"You look great by the way," he said as he sat down, after making sure I was okay in my seat.

I hid my blushing face with y shoulder length chestnut, brown hair and one hand on my cheek. "You too. A little."

He laughed, a beautiful masculine sound that warmed me from the inside and out. He was about to say something when a waitress came to a stop at our table. With a courteous and energetic bounce, she greeted us, took our order and disappeared into the kitchen area.

"I like this place," Rick said, looking around the semi busy room filled with pleased looking customers and hard at work waiters.

"Me too." My mind was slowly going back to my conversation with Samantha this morning and all the questions she fired at me after I voiced my decision.

"I'm sure I want a baby." I had said.

"And how do you plan to do that?"

I shrugged, "I'll figure it out. But I don't want to adopt. I want to try conceiving my own child first." I felt sure I could, but haven't a clue how to start. I'll need the male counterpart.

"Sooo...?" She seemed to be searching for the right words. I patiently waited for her. "You want to do this the traditional or modern way?"

"Meaning?" I was a bit confused. They're different ways of doing getting pregnant? Oh of course. Stupid me. "Ummm... I... I don't know."

Sam took a deep breath, held it for a short while and then let it out with, "well this'll be interesting."

"... At great place for a nice date."

I came back to my current conversation a little bit late and had to search my memory for what exactly I was talking about before I drifted off. The restaurant. Oh, right! "Yes, this place is great to take someone out to. Nice ambiance and... stuff. I come here all the time."

"You do?" He looked at me in mild surprise.

I nodded, "yeah! Some guy took me here once and I just kept coming back."

"With the same guy?" Was he asking me if I was still dating Mr I forgot his name?

I shook my head, "no. Why'd you ask?"

A slight color came to his cheeks and his dimples deepen. He shook his head, "nothing."

"Okay," I started to become a little sceptical but I let it go. I had a feeling he has a real reason for that question.

"Can I take you out some time?"

The question seemed to come from put of no where and took me a while before my brain decided to think of an answer. In that time period, my mouth hung open and I managed to close it as the waitress returned with our drinks.

A Baby By Bestie Where stories live. Discover now