17: You're Stuck With Me

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After staring at the closed door for what feels like an eternity of shocked silence, I felt panic take over and I went historical for the next half an hour.  I'm not going anywhere! I don't want to! I've made that mistake before and I don't intend to make it another time. What was I even thinking at that time? I had the love of my life and I just left her. I am such an idiot!

I paced the guest room for a while, unsure what to do. She told me not to follow her, so I won't. I just hope that she's okay and she comes back in a better mood so we can talk about things. I want to tell her how sorry I am for hurting her even though I know that, had I known how she felt, I would never have left in the first place. I'm not blaming her though, I just wished I'd known.

Chief editor of the Global Journal, Edward Lynch kept calling me every other twenty minutes and it was adding to the anxiety that was boiling in my chest. I had called Ariadne's office about ten times since she left, only to have Gregory tell me that she hasn't arrived yet. When I asked where she was, he says something vague like "I'm sure she's on her way,"  "She'll be here soon," or "Ariadne's never missed a day of work before. Give her some time."

I knew better than to call her directly. She'll just hang up and then turn off her phone so no one else can bother her. I felt helpless where I was, wearing out the carpeted floor in my room. So helpless that when the idea came into my head to call her mother. I didn't even have the sense to stop myself. I didn't know for sure what I was expecting from Moxie, but her reaction wasn't quite unexpected.

She practically slapped some senses into me through the phone. I basically sat for a lifetime through her bullying the crap out of me. She all but ordered me to make Ariadne my wife before she finds a way to do it herself. I was reminded once again of a small velvet box, sitting in the back of my dresser draw, keeping the piece of jewelry that I had bought with one person on my mind.

"I can't!" I tried to say, but one should know better than to argue with the Johansson women. "She's not ready for this."

"Just do it boy." She urged, getting even more impatient with me.

"But what if she says no. I'll lose her." I felt pathetic, but it was okay.

Moxie sighed on the other end of the call, "you've already lost her, don't you see? That's literally all you have left to do."

I swallowed the lump inside my throat and forcefully took a deep breath. "Okay. I guess I have no other choice." Telling her that I'm not leaving again won't work. She won't let down her walls for a little weak promise. It'll take much more than that. After telling Moxie goodbye, I took the box from my top drawer and left my room.

The confined space was starting to drive me insane with it's four walls and neatly arranged furniture that reminded me too much of Ari. I have no idea where she is, only hoping that she's not admitted at the hospital or worse. I would try Samantha's phone if only I had a contact for her and the receptionist lady wasn't so unreliable. I ended up waiting the whole day before Ari decided to finally come home.

By that time, the ring seemed to have gained weight in my pocket, so I took it out of the box. I sat for a while in the kitchen just studying the thing. It was a simple ring with a gold band and a small asscher cut blue diamond in the center, Ari's first and last initials engraved on either sides of the jewel on the band. For a year I had it stored away, wanting to give to her but didn't know how. Now I must, but the question of if she'd take it hangs in the air like a broken chandelier, ready to fall any second now.

I turned the thing around in my hand, held it between my fingers and admired it in the light. I was so engrossed in my thoughts of its beauty that I didn't here Ari come in. I heard her questioning voice before I had time to hide the ring.

"What is that?" She inquired curiously as she made her way towards me. I closed my palm with it inside.

I offered her a smile, hoping she'd share it with me. "Are you okay now?" Are we okay?

She nodded. "When are you leaving?"

That question again. She asked it on my first day back and had been asking ever since, only in different words, but here it is again. "Ari, can we talk? Please?"

I saw her tear up again and everything inside me hurt. I did this. "Just tell me, Rick. I can't go through the long lectures. Mom can do that for you."

"I'm not going anywhere!" I snapped. If I see one more tear drop from Ari's eyes because of me I swear I will never forgive myself. "Look, I don't know how much you've heard of that conversation this morning, but I would love it if you'd hear me out."

She wiped at her eyes and took a seat. I took a huge deep breath and began. "I want to first tell you again how deeply sorry I am for leaving you. I'm sorry that I'm so dumb, I couldn't even tell that my best friend was in love with me. I'm sorry that I've spent my whole life without telling you exactly how I feel. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I wished I could just turn back time and stopped even the thought of leaving from entering my empty head.

I hope that one day, Ari, you'd forgive me. I'll be around to hear it because I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me now, because I don't care who's going to get angry at my decision, but no job or boss or chief editor or increased pay or promotion is going to take me away from you. I'm not even going to leave this house. I'm staying right here with you and the baby and Moxie and make sure you're okay everyday.

I love you, Ariadne Johansson with my whole heart ever since I started to know what love is."

She was crying now, her face covered with both hands and her shoulders shook with each sob. I gently pulled her hands away and wiped her face. I placed the ring into her wet palms, unable to hold onto it anymore and slowly knelt down on one knee. This is how you do it, right?
"You're my whole world and best friend. Will you..."

I trailed off, distracted by a smile that started to form on Ari's face. It started off soft and warm, then turned into the most brilliant and beautiful sight I've ever seen.  And this is what heaven looks like to me; she has shoulder length, dark brown hair, usually hanging loose and carefree with a few straying strands from their tight curls. Dark, curious eyes with long eyelashes. Full, cherry lips that looks kissable whether she smiles or pouts. And a petite body with all the right curves.

NB: this is the last of Rick's pov

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