29: Some Guy's Contractions

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Rick came home around dinner time and found mom and I on the couch, our feet propped up on the cushions as we painted each other's toenails. Mom's retro radio was playing her favorite station, some old as dinosaurs RnB music. But it was fine, not at all irritating as I first thought it would be. Though, it was loud enough to not make us aware of Ricky watching us for what could possibly be a sold half hour without us noticing.

My mom spotted him first and reacted by throwing one of the cushions at him. "Ricky! You'll give me a heart attack. Don't do that!"

"Hey! I'm sorry, it was just so bizarre seeing you two like this... I had to take a minute to watch." He laughed and the baby stirred inside me. I got up to give him a hug, because I've been missing him all day, when he decided to continue talking and I changed my mind completely.

"So you both are still in one piece? Everything seems well." His smile looked suspicious.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "you planned this, didn't you?"

"No, actually Samantha did. Said you guys have a lot to talk about." He admitted shrugging, "I just thought it was a good idea."

"Good idea! She drove me mad for the better part of the morning!" I almost yelled. I can't believe this guy.

"Me?" Mom said, getting up as well, "if you weren't such a stubborn rock you wouldn't feel that way."

"Well I guess the apple does fall too far from the tree!" I faced her. Here we go again.

"At least I'm cooperative!" She huffed.

"How? When?" We stared each other down again. We stood there for a long while just glaring at each other until Moxie tilted her head sideways ever so slightly, causing me to glance at Rick. He just stood in his spot with his eyes so wide, I swear he was on the brink of panicking.

Mom and I both burst into laughter as we pulled each other back onto the couch. Rick visibly relaxed and slowly composed himself, muttering, "hahaha, very funny." Before he left us.

Mom didn't stay for dinner, even though I asked her to. Just once, so when she said no, I just quickly bade her goodbye. I mean, I bet she wanted to get back home to her litter of ten cats or more. Up to this point, I'm pretty sure she was the crazy, widowed cat lady on her street, but that was okay because she really couldn't care less. I love that about her.

Samantha came over the next day and we spent the time browsing through Amazon, Wish and other online shopping websites for baby stuff. We also indulged in ice cream and peanut butter, soap operas and social media celebrity dramas. Online "window" shopping was something we used to do before our lives got so busy. We'd do this every Saturday, just sit around with our faces glued to our laptop screens going, "Oh wow, this is cute! Look at this one! I'm so getting this!" Or "Eeewww, omg this looks awful! Do people really buy these things?"

These days though, if we saw something we liked we'd consult our budgets, and then get it. Now, although I had literally everything you could think of for the baby, I was still obsessed and pretty sure I'll end up buying more. My mom said that my baby will grow pretty fast, so I shouldn't buy too many extra small new born stuff. Well, let's just say I totally forgot her little advice as soon as I stepped into the mall the last time I went shopping. Something about little clothes, especially socks and shoes makes me go crazy!

Samantha would go to work for most days in the week, so most of the times, I'm stuck at home with Rick's Moxie. We argued about things for some time. Fight until one of us gives in and the other have her way. And some times we agreed on some things and it was so beautiful I end up crying and she'd hug me. At twenty-eight years old, I still feel like a child in her arms. I get the unfiltered happiness and love I know has always been there when she embraces me.

Those weeks flew so fast that I didn't even realize when AP's seventh anniversary dinner and soirée arrived. Rick knew he couldn't talk me out of showing up even before the actual party started to help out on the last touches at our rented venue. It was in a beautiful garden, wide lawn with little white gazebos spread across the grounds. We chose the one in the center for the DJ and MC and my mother hired the best caterers ever! She also managed to convince me to where a purple and gold dress that resembled a princess gown but a little shorter. I didn't like it at first, but as I walked around, checking on everyone and feeling comfortable in my flats and the dress, I gradually changed my mind.

I downed three flutes of non alcoholic champaign which sent me to the bathroom before it was my turn to take the mic. Rick made sure to fight his entire news room co-workers for the event story because according to him, he "owns the rights to cover my news." Or whatever. Samantha and Chad were going pretty strong since my baby shower and I was so happy she was happy. Her girls were running around somewhere in the crowed, and the couple were always close behind them. It was adorable to watch and I kept swooning whenever they come over to talk. Chad also brought his camera, he was working with Rick as his photographer. And Rick? He keeps jotting down unreadable scribbles on a notepad every other second.

He disappeared once or twice, but he was there for me when it was my turn to take the mic. He led me to our makeshift stage and stayed close by, whether to support me or to get a good earshot of what I had to say, I wasn't quite sure. Most likely both. I took the mic and smiled at my employees and other stakeholders. The first thing that came out of my mouth was off script.

"Holy shrap guy, I can't believe it!" The sudden burst of excitement just made me forget all things cordial and formal. It was okay though, because everyone chuckled at this. "I'm so immensely happy for all of you. For my small team of five college kids who saw my dream and followed behind me to achieve it!  Through all those troubles we underwent to start up, and look! We're seven years old!

I don't know if it's the same for you, but this is surreal! This is unbelievable! This is amazing! I love you guys so much! And that's why I'm proud to announce the new changes that will come with our growth. This year was great, why not make the next years greater? AP has entered into new territories with our recent publishing of two genres of books that we have never produced before. This has led to their continuation! We are adding children's story books and inspirational non fiction to our list of categories."

Cameras flash and applauses go off. "We are also doing some rebranding where that is concerned. Added to that is our unanimous decision to establish a charity foundation for the orphaned and less fortunate. I believe we have been blessed to reach this far and it's time to give back."

More applauses. I was starting to tear up when I felt the sharpest pain in my stomach. I squeezed at the mic and immediately found Rick with my eyes. He returned a worried look and was about to join me on the stage, but I shook my head to stop him. I'm okay, I'm okay. I breathed. "I want to thank you all so much for coming out and for sharing this journey of success with me. I hope we continue on this path and keep doing great. AP is truly blessed to have you guys."

I returned the mic to it's holder and shuffled off the stage before another wave of pain hit me. Rick and Samantha was by my side in seconds asking what was happening. "I'm okay, I'm fine! Nothing's- AAAHHH!!” I cried out. Not too loud to draw crowd.

"I'll get the car!" Rick screamed and was about to run off when I grabbed him. The pain had stopped.

"I said I'm okay!"

"But you're not!" He was a panicking mess. "It could be time!"

"Or," Chad poked his head into the small crowed that had gathered quite quickly. "It could be... Some guy's contractions!"

Everyone looked at him, confused. "You mean Braxton Hicks contractions, babe?" Sam asked, patting his head.

"Yeah. What she said." He nodded.

We visibly relaxed. "Well we won't know for sure until we get to the hospital. Let's go." Rick said.

I didn't want to go. Leave my party behind after it's been going so well, but one look from mother and everyone else and I couldn't really argue.

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