26: Kick Start the Party!

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"I jump and I prance
I smell every grass
I twist and I dance
I run quick and fast!
I ran up a tree
I slid down again
I chased a bird
I made a new friend!
I got a little tired
the sun on my back
I rolled in the dirt
I took a quick nap..."

I'll never get tired of hearing the words of Rick's new book read to me, no matter how many times I hear it. It may not be the words, maybe just the sound of his voice and the way his eyes twinkle whenever I laugh when he reads the dialogues. I make him read through it every night before I sleep and he never seemed to mind, it would look as though he enjoyed it too.

It was a little over four months from the book signing and the sales have gone through the roof. The printery has never been this busy in years and it was made even better when Rose's book was ready.  "Smiles Through The Battles" was so impactful that some movie producer reached out to Monica -lucky girl- but she turned them down, much to Lucas's disappointment. She did however said yes to a few television talk shows.

Rick finally told me the gender of our little one, but only after I cleared my calendar for a whole week so I can "rest." I just moved all my office stuff into our bedroom and set them up in a corner with a folding desk and chair. He didn't like it, but I guess he had to make do with it anyway. I was in the middle of preparing for AP's seventh anniversary, and boy was I expected! I had so many plans and ideas for the coming months that I had poor Gregory running around all over the place.

Rick closed the book before I knew he had finished and proceeded to do what he'd gotten used to doing every night before he falls asleep. He's rub my growing tummy ever so gently, place small kisses all over the top and call out softly to the little one inside. When he doesn't feel a response, he'd press his ears unto my belly, stay there for a while just listening until I start giggling or playfully push him away. He was hoping for kicks, movements or something, but nothing was made so far, but we could still hear the precious sound of the heart beating, so we're not too worried.

"Hello in there?" He cooed softly, his warm hands feeling light like feathers. "It's me again."

I chuckled. "But of course. Who else?"

He looked back at me with narrowed eyes. "It's my turn, mamma. Not yours."

I rolled my eyes. He went back to my stomach. "How's it going? Are you going to talk to daddy tonight?"

No, I don't think so. I thought, but kept quiet. He kissed my tummy and his fingers idly traced lines on its surface. "My day was awesome. I went shopping with mommy for your party! How was your day?

Oh, of course. You went to work with mommy after? And listen to her order Mr Gregory around? And ate all the vitamin gummies in the office? Cool!"

He looked up at me a grinned, then looked back down. "She's so pretty, you should see her! Oh, you will soon. Just a few more months-"

I suddenly felt the slightest fluttery movement inside, right at the spot where Ricky's hand laid. Apparently so did Rick because he gasped and looked up at me with wide, excited eyes. "Holy crap!" He practically screamed and poked gently at the spot. "Did you feel that?"

I laughed, slightly in relief and more in awe. "I did, I did!"

"Again sweetie, do it again please?" He placed an ear on my tummy. "For daddy? Please?" He whispered.

Nothing happened.

"Aaawww, you scared her." I teased and messed up his already messy hair.

He swatted my hand away. "No, she's just a little shy."

I rolled my eyes again and felt another soft jolt on the side of my stomach where Rick's head has been. "There's another one!" I giggled. It felt funny.

"No! I missed it. Okay, one last time princess. You can do it!" You can see who'll be training her in little league. This was followed by a series of pokes on the top, making my belly button looked like it was dancing. Both Rick and I rolled over in laughter and  coos. We kept at this until we were both tired. The baby tho, kept going every once in a while as I tried to fall asleep.

It was so amazing, I could cry about it, just like I've cried about literally everything else. But I didn't, I calmed my heartbeat and drifted off to sleep with the widest smile on my face because my baby moved. I wrote it down in my journal and put it away. By the time the party day rolled in, I had gotten used to her sudden kicks and elbows, maybe even punches. They were soft and adorable, constantly reminding me that she was there. She only kept quiet whenever mother came around or at the doctor's office.




I poured myself a glass of grape juice and took a sip, making a face at the taste before I realized it wasn't actually wine. Nothing alcoholic was on the menu today and I was just a tiny bit disappointed. Even though I helped set up everything for Ari's baby party, I had to keep reminding myself that there was no spirited beverage at the open bar. No spiked fruit punch, no alcoholic champaign, not even a tiny bit.

On a serious note though, I have to stop drinking. Don't get me wrong! I wasn't an alcoholic, I just love the kick it gives and the temporary warmth that hugs me from the inside. It makes me feel, even for a just a few minutes like I'm being held by someone who feels the same way about me as I do them. Who doesn't run away because I have kids. Who doesn't take my kids every other week because they're his too. Who doesn't show up with a different woman every time when he comes to take my girls from me. And who will talk to me, just talk.

"Hey, Sam!" Ariadne appeared beside me and grabbed my drink, downing it in one go. "I want you to meet someone, c'mon."

She took my hands and wabbled with me across her wide backyard where her party was in full swing. We decided not to call it a gender reveal party anymore, since everyone knew as soon as Rick told her that they were having a girl. His hopes of surprising us shattered instantly when she got on the phone with me. If my guess is right, she called her mom and Gregory soon after.

She lead me to the snack bar. I spotted Greg and his wife talking to Monica in one corner and another gentleman beside them busy stuffing his face with chips. He did it so gracefully tho, that one wouldn't think he was the least bit disgusting. He stopped when he saw us approaching and wiped his mouth clean with a napkin.

"Hey Ari! Long time no see! How are?" He gave Ariadne a hug and she chuckled a bit.

"I'm good Chad. I want you to meet someone." She smiled at both of us and I instantly saw where this was going. "This is Samantha my best friend. Sam, this Gregory's little bro, Chad."

"Wow, hi! I'm Cha- I mean, nnnice top." He stammered and I couldn't help laughing.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you." Ari suddenly disappeared after that.

"I'm a photographer. I work with Rick sometimes." He said, pouring me some iced tea.

"That's cool! I'm a therapist."

"Really? Is it true that you guys don't really listen when persons talk. And just, like do puzzles and stuff instead?" I laughed. We walked to a picnic table without me even realizing that we were moving.

"No. I mean, some therapists might do that. But that's not professional and I take my work very seriously, so no, not me." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh awesome. That's awesome. I love talking. But my brothers say I'm annoying. I actually think I am, so don't be shy to tell me to shut up, okay?" He said, grinning at me. I was starting to like this guy.

I laughed again. "No, no. It's okay. I actually never found anyone who would just talk freely to me, knowing my job." I thought of Ari a few months ago.

"Do you like sports? I love baseball, and football, not the American one, the one they call soccer..." He Said.

We talked for hours and I essentially spent the entire day with him. And after helping Ari clean up after the party, Chad and I went to a nightclub and spent a few hours there. It was fun.

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