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Shattered Dreams

I remember staring at myself, like I was no longer the person in control of my body. Every part of my being burned like I was being scorched by the sun. I watched the liquid swirling down my arm like a spiral before solidifying. I had bone-like braces around my wrists and a gaping hole in my stomach.

I was watching myself become a monster.

The most horrifying part of it all, despite the fact that my instincts told me I would perish soon, was I still reached out for him.

The silhouette fighting in the distance. Sparks flying through the air from swords clashing. I watched myself reach out for him, as a mask crept into existence across my face. It had horns coming out both sides of the forehead, and a gold colored stripe that ran through the left eye.

My eyes were fading to black, my labored breathing seeming to echo as if there were two people instead of one. My heart was filled with regret in that moment. I regretted not being strong enough to leave everyone I cared for out of it. I regretted not being strong enough to prevent this from happening.

I was no longer watching over myself and the hollow taking over me. I glanced down at my hands, the braces now spreading bone down to my fingertips. My fingers turning into claws.

"It's all for a reason you know." A voice assured me. It wasn't mine, nor was it that of Reigetsu — my zanpakuto. I turned my head to see a fox-like grin.

"He never does anything without a reason you know. You should be thankful, to be part of something greater than yourself Gaia." I recognized his voice now.

Gin, I never thought it would have been you to betray me.

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