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Kisuke Urahara

Everyone in the Gotei 13 knew who Gaia Shiba was. The younger sister to Captain Isshin Shiba, elder sister of Kaien Shiba who was at the time the Head of the Shiba Clan. They were nobility in the Soul Society. A Clan that always produced fierce warriors.

So naturally it was a terrifying crime when it was discovered that Gaia had been kidnapped. The furniture was broken and tossed about the room. I had been the first one to arrive at the scene and the stench of blood was overpowering.

Immediately I had to run and tell what had happened to the Head Captain. Isshin was beside himself when he heard. I was a nobody as far as the squadrons went at the time. My place was with the Omnitsukaido. The Stealth Corps.

After a few days went by we started to notice faint traces of her spiritual power resonating from somewhere deep in the Rukon districts.

I rushed out there without permission to search for her. After seeing what her room had looked like, I feared for her life. Most importantly, the expression of hopelessness that was plastered on Isshin Shiba's face haunted me.

His lieutenant had told me, that of all the members of the Shiba clan, Gaia was the strongest as well as the kindest.

When I had arrived at the source of the energy, I never thought I would've needed to prepare myself for what I'd have seen.

A Hollow in the Soul Society. It wasn't completely unheard of, though it wasn't any ordinary Hollow either. They had a feminine physique, long black hair, and a zanpakuto. Though her stomach had a three inch wide hole going right through her body. She was no doubt a Hollow. White calcified structures spiraled down her arm with what seemed almost like blades coming out of the back.

She lifted her head so my eyes locked with hers. They were black with gold irises, and more white liquid starting to creep to the side of her face.

"Help me" she whispered. From behind her, three figures approached me. One of them I recognized immediately.

Aizen Souske.

"I see you found us quite quickly. I wasn't anticipating on that, thought the damage that has been done cannot be undone at this point." Aizen sneered. This wasn't the man I knew. The Aizen I knew was calm and soft-spoken as well as level-headed.

"What have you done Souske?!"

He grabbed Gaia's face, raising her to her feet. "You are the witness to my first experiment Kisuke Urahara. I call it Hollowification."

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