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Gaia Shiba

My eyes felt like they were going to burst out of my head when Ichigo completed Phase 2 of his training. As he emerged from the gaping hole in the ground, a familiar looking mask rested on the side of his head. I slid my fingers across the cold surface of my wrist braces.

It's impossible for him to be anything like me.

I took ease in my assurance to myself. It was impossible. Kisuke's methods would not have produced similar results to that of the hogyoku. Its impossible.

Though a deep part of me was uncertain about Ichigo's newfound Soul Reaper powers. His zanpakuto was immense in size, roughly the size of his own body. Isshin once told me that Captain-level Soul Reapers have the ability to manipulate the appearance of their zanpakuto to be more manageable. Since the swords size is scaled based on the amount of Spiritual Pressure one has, it would be impossible for anyone with excessive amounts to carry their weapon.

I glanced down at my Reigetsu. Kisuke taught me that trick when we first started training in the World of the Living. As I learned to control my Hollow powers, my Spiritual Pressure grew higher and higher until he had to use Kido to mask it. We sealed my strength in the scabbard of my zanpakuto.

"Only unleash your weapon if its a life or death situation. In doing so, every Soul Reaper that exists either in the World of the Living or the Seireitei will know of your existence."

I hadn't drawn my sword once since then. Kisuke taught me Kido, Hado, Shunpo as well as any other tricks I could use for battle that don't involve my zanpakuto. It was a last resort.

"Say Ichigo, why don't you spar against my dear friend over there?" I heard Kisuke chuckle. I for one, thought it was a terrible idea. Not only could my appearance be easily exposed, but I could accidentally kill the kid.

"As long as I get stronger" he smirked in response.

I guess there's no way out of this now.

I slid down the cliff and approached the group, making sure that the hood of my Shikahusho kept firmly in place. It wouldn't help my hiding that I look like the spitting image of my brother.

"You don't plan on having me fight her without her weapon right?" He asked. Kisuke simply tipped his hat forward to hide his laughter. I didn't need any weapons to give Ichigo the fight for his life.

"Hado number 33, Sōkatsui."

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