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Past and Present
Isshin Kurosaki

I still remember the day I lost my precious Gaia. Kisuke Urahara had returned in front of all the captains, and laid her necklace down on the ground. A silver chain, with a lotus flower charm. I had given it to her when I became the Captain of Squad 10.

In that moment time had stopped for me. Urahara said that she did not suffer, and that whoever was responsible had masked their spiritual pressure and gotten away.

I remember the look of grief on his face. An emotion that hadn't even sunk into me yet. I was confused. I was angry. Gaia was kind and generous, she never had any enemies.

Shunsui Kyoraku placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be okay kid" he assured me. He didn't know that. He didn't know her. I picked up the delicate necklace and wrapped it around the guard of my zanpakuto.

Gaia give me your strength to learn how to live on without you.

I believed it was Gaia who had led me to Masaki. Who led me to find happiness in the World of the Living. Gaia's strength allowed me to have a family. To live and have children with the love of my life.

Yet again I had been dealt the losing hand, when Masaki was killed. Ichigo was nine at the time. It felt the same as that day in the Soul Society. I had lost everything.

Not long after that I had noticed a strange spiritual pressure lingering around Karakura Town. I could tell it was that of a Hollow, but it also wasn't. I had reached out to Kisuke asking if he had noticed as well.

"I'm sure time will tell" was all he said. Though the expression on Tessai was grim. He knew something. I intended to find out what it was.

I searched the town high and low every night for the Hollow that never left. I felt its presence every night, and so after the kids fell asleep, I went on a hunt searching for it.

I never found it though. It was almost as if it was a ghost. I wondered if Masaki was haunting me. Maybe she was ashamed that I couldn't protect her. Though I knew I was just grasping at false hopes.

I knew that my grief would be the end of me. I failed both of them.

Gaia. Masaki. I couldn't protect the ones I loved. Though I would do right by them and protect my children at all costs.

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