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Gin Ichimaru

It was as I stood once again staring at my old friend, that my memories of our childhood threatened to break my composure. She was more mature now, her Spiritual Pressure unrecognizable.

"I see you came back after all" I sighed.

She simply stood there silently. Her hair was longer than before, and her figure matched her age. She reminded me much of Rangiku. Hollowified braces spiraled up her arms now, which she hid with long draping sleeves.

Her gold eyes bored into mine with a ravenous hatred that could never be tamed.

"I have no intention of fighting you Gaia."

She flinched as I spoke her name. As if when I said it, her name was cursed.

"You are the reason I've become this Gin. You were my friend. Why? Why would you sacrifice me to Aizen?!" She yelled charging toward me. I knew of Kisuke Urahara's seal on her zanpakuto. I knew that she wouldn't draw it so early on and risk exposing herself to the entire Gotei 13.

I stood still as she crashed into me, pinning me to the ground. Her eyes once beautiful and pure, were now filled with rage and an immeasurable exhaustion. Her tears dripped onto my cheeks as she sobbed with an uncontrollable anger.

"At the time, I told myself that I knew what I was doing. I told myself that it would be okay. I was jealous of your power, and jealous that you left me behind" I stated. I didn't try to resist her. I didn't try to free myself from her grasp. I deserved her anguish. She had every right to want to kill me or torture me. Though she just sat atop my wait and cried.

I knew her feelings had been held down for a long time. I never said goodby before Urahara took her away from the Soul Society.

"I should have protected you Gaia."

She looked down at me, into my eyes and I could watch as the rage inside of her slowly disappeared. Her touch felt warm despite the coldness of her existence. It felt as is her tears on my skin washed away the facade I had been wearing for years now. I took shelter in her arms, though I didn't deserve it.

"You shouldn't have come. It wont be long before he finds you" I stated picking myself off the ground. She was now staring at my Captain's haori.

"You can't be caught lingering around here Gaia. You need to hide for now. You can stay in my quarters until after the Captains meeting but then you need to go" I explained pulling her hood back over her head to hide her face. If Aizen discovered her presence here we're already dead.

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