I Told Her

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I slowly open my eyes and rub them lightly, yawning. I must have fallen asleep last night. Last night! I spring up in realization of what happened last night. Bringing Grace home, hugging Grace while she was puking into the toliet from the massive amount of alcohol she drank, me telling her I love her, her kissing me. Her kissing me... Holy shit. She kissed me. But why? Not that I'm complaining, but she's marrying Chester. Haha Chester is going to kill me if he ever finds out.

I start pacing back and forth in my room thinking about Grace and what had happened last night and what may happen if Chester finds out. I decide to pick up my phone and call Mamrie. She always knows what to do. Sometimes...

"Hey, Farto!" she answers.


"Oh my god, youre not having another panic attack are you?"

"No, no. no. Well I am kind of freaking out a bit.."

"Why? What's wrong, Han?"

"I told her... I told Grace I love her."

"OH MY GOD HANNAH!" I couldnt tell if she sounded excited or angry at me.

"I know! I feel so bad because her and--"

"NO HANNAH THIS IS AMAZING OH MY GOD!" Both her and I laugh into the phone.


"Well what?"

"How did it go? Wait, no! Tell me everything. Event by event or whatever."

"Well uhm..." I take a deep breath in then out again and continue, "It was after you left. She came walking over to me and nearly fell but I caught her and she said thanks in a very drunk slurred tone and then I took her home--"




"NO! Now let me finish."

"Go on."

"I took her home and let her wear my pyjamas and then she started puking into my toliet so i brought her some water and she ended up sobbering up a little bit and i was sitting on the floor next to her, hugging her and then i said ' I love you'. I couldn't, and still can't tell how she felt. Most likely surprised. But anyway, she got up and walked out the bathroom. I followed her out and asked her what was up and she was texting Chester. So, of course, I was freaking out and told her I was sorry and how she didn't have to love me back because I knew she probably didn't but then uhm..."

"What? What happened, Hannah!"

"She kissed me." I here big, loud, fangirl squeals coming from the other line of the phone from Mamrie.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT?! Did you guys fuck then?"

"Mamrie, we did not fuck! Chester came point three seconds after. He didn't know what had just happened he just came to get Grace."

"Dude, you are so lucky he didn't find out."

"Yeah, but Mames?"

"Yeah, hun?"

"How do I go on from here?" It was quite for a while on both our ends of the phone.

"I don't know, Hannah... Maybe call her up? Talk about?"

"I don't know, Mames... I'm just afraid I'm going to do or say the wrong thing."

"Like what? You told her you loved her and she kissed you in response. That's gotta mean something."

Mamrie was true, but I still feel like something could go wrong by just opening my mouth to talk to her. Maybe Grace only kissed me to make me feel better. Or maybe she kissed me because she actually likes or loves me back.

I sigh into the phone. "Alright. Thank you Mamrie. I'll talk to you later."

"Good luck Farto."

I hang up and put my phone back down. I walk into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast but I get lost in my thoughts again. Thinking about Grace and the kiss. Maybe I should call her?

Hope you guys enjoyed! Follow, vote and comment!
Ps love you all sooo much <3 thanks for reading!

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