Crashing Into My Little World

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(A/N: ayyyyyyyy lmao. Okay, as you've probably noticed, this story is starting to get dark and it will continue to spiral into a pit of despair and I'm very sorry. You might want to stop reading, because there may be more Major Character Deaths and lots of diverging from the canon and it might just end in tears. Just like my education. Anyway, hope you enjoy this next chapter and thanks for continuing on with this since it's been going on casually for nearly two years so thank you for putting up with the slow updates because I am a piece of trash.)

"WHERE IS MY BROTHER??" Thor bellowed.

I winced. We'd been on the Helicarrier for four hours now. Four hours with an anxious Asgardian had not been fun. Bruce had been trying to keep Thor occupied, and it had worked. For about five minutes. Thor started pacing up and down the room again, brow furrowed. Apparently he'd had a bad experience with doctors, so I guessed that's why he was worried. Loki had been in surgery for four hours, with no sign of him coming out anytime soon.

Steve had been summoned by Fury to debrief what had happened earlier at the UN Building. Tony had filled me and Bruce in on most of the details and in return we had told him what had happened on our end. Then Bruce had gone off to find Clint, so now it was just me and Thor. (Tony had gotten a call from Pepper, so he was taking that.)

A door slid open with a Star Trek-esque whoosh and Steve walked in looking drained. He sat down heavily next to me and said "Fury wants to see you."

I grimaced. "Great. What did he say to you?"

Steve shrugged. "Nothing really. Just a quick debrief on where Doom was being taken."

"Wow, so they managed to arrest him?" Fucking finally.

"Yeah, but Fury doesn't think they'll be able to hold him for long."

"Oh well. At least we've got him."

"The little victories." Steve gave me a small smile.

I stood up and stretched. "Well I better get this over with. Where's Fury?"

"The observation deck."

That's unique. "Thanks Steve."

I left just as Thor started badgering one of the medical staff. I'd had to stop him earlier, now it was Steve's turn. Shared responsibility and all. I took my time getting to the observation deck. Fury was an arse, and I just felt like pissing him off. His job causes so many others pain, the least I can do for revenge is inconvenience him. I stepped through the door fifteen minutes later and he was glaring at me, trying to look murderous, but he just looked tired.

We stood silently for a few moments, before Fury opened his mouth. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions..."

"Damn right I do." I spat.

"And I'll answer a few. But choose wisely." He narrowed his eye.

"Fine." We stood quietly once more, looking out through the massive pane of glass at the horizon spread in front of us. "Who was she?"

Fury continued staring straight ahead. "Her name was Natasha Romanoff. She was one of our top agents, and had been with the Avengers Initiative since it's inception."

"Her connection with Barton?"

"Strictly professional." Pfft, yeah right. "They had worked together on past missions. They've been through some shit."

"Why did she have a cloneblade?"

Fury didn't answer.

I turned and faced him, furious. "If S.H.I.E.L.D has been experimenting with cloneblade technology I swear to fucking god I will-"

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