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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Spartacus or their stories and characters. I only own my story, plot, and any characters I might add.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!



Chapter Twenty-Five: Traitors

Harry's POV:

I sat on a rock that I'd levitated to lay under a tree and leaned against it while I was lost in my thoughts.

Hedwig came down then and landed on my knee and I petted her.

"Your daddy's being a stubborn ass girl," I said and she just hooted at me and rubbed her head on my hand.

Just the thought of Spartacus both saddened and pissed me off right now.

I growled and looked to the ground only to see a snake not too far off eyeing Hedwig.

"Even think about touching her and I'll cut your head off." I threatened moving Hedwig to my shoulder.

The snake looked on before slithering closer to me.

"You can speak my language?"

"It's a gift and a curse. My mate finds it sexy though." I answered and he laughed.

"What do you go by human?"

"Harry, what's your name?"

"I do not have one." It said sadly.

I looked to the snake in pity and held my arm out to him. "Don't touch my owl and you can sit with me." The snake looked to my arm before nodding and moving up it and settled in my lap. He was pretty. A light brown with tiny lines of black and green running in horizontal sections from his head to tail. "Meadow." The snake looked to me confused.

"Pardon me?"

"You don't have a name right? Well your colors sort of remind me of a meadow. What with that light brown like the dirt, the green grass, and the black to make both pop more, so why not Meadow?" he thought for a moment before nodding.

"Meadow, I like that." I smiled at him and petted his head and leaned back some.

"The owl on my shoulder is Hedwig, she's a friend too." Meadow looked to her.

"Nice to meet you Hedwig." I smiled and looked her as well.

"Meadow says hi." She hooted in response and moved closer to him to show her sign of trust.

"So where do you hail from?"

"We're in the city just a little ways that way." I pointed to where our city was.

"So you're Roman?" I laughed.

"No, and thank Merlin for that! I'm with Spartacus the Rebels." I said feeling my annoyance return.

"So, you'll be around for a while?" he asked hopeful.

I smiled and pet his head. "I'll let all my people know to not harm you. You can come and go as pleased, but do not eat anything that is not offered to you from me or anyone else I say is okay, deal?" he nodded quickly then. "Great! I'll ask Hedwig to take you there so you can meet everyone." I said and looked to Hedwig.

"Amazing." I turned quickly causing Hedwig to fly to a branch and Meadow to fall softly to the ground. I prepared to fight only to lower my swords slightly when I saw Lysiscus.

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