Leaving the City

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Spartacus or their stories and characters. I only own my story, plot, and any characters I might add.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!



Chapter Twenty-Six: Leaving the City

Agron's POV:

"Now would be a good time to run." I looked to the others back stepped away some when Romans began to appear through the flames.

We fought those that came too close. I looked up from slaying a man and saw the gate was fully down.

"There are too many!" Someone yelled though I did not care who at the moment.

"Fall back!" I yelled as I kicked a man from me and killed the one behind him as I backed away more and more.

I killed one more and turned to follow my men.

Caesar's POV:

I smirked in joy as I watched the filth be chased back into their holes by Roman men. I turned to look at the gates and saw Marcus come through the flames and walked to him.

"Welcome to Sinuessa." He smirked at me and continued onwards.

"What of the vessel?"

"The poison has begun to set in yet he vanished before I could grab him." Marcus sighed.

"The poison is within his system?" I nodded. "Then you may lead a few of my men to claim the prize. He should be to his dreams somewhere within the city streets by now." I smiled in excitement and bowed to him before I and three of his men ran in search of the vessel.

Harry's POV:

Standing up as a human once more I walked into mine and Spartacus' chambers and found Hedwig and Meadow still there.

I smiled and somehow found the strength to get to the table and write a brief letter for help and walked to Hedwig and tied it to her leg.

"Hedwig girl….I….want you to take this letter to the first leader you see." I gasped and looked to Meadow. "T-take him somewhere safe and go back for him once the letter's been delivered and get to the others that got out of the city." I shook my head to stay awake and smiled when she rubbed my hand with her head.

"I'm okay girl, just tired," I said and she still looked doubtful. "Please girl….I need….you safe from the Romans….give that to the first leader you find….They will….help." it was now very hard to stay awake.

Hedwig looked at me before hooting and gently picked Meadow up, who was protesting the whole time to stay with me, and flew out of the room and high into the sky.

I sighed in relief knowing those two were safe and pushed myself out of the rooms for what was most likely to be the last time.

I looked both ways to see if anyone was coming and heard Roman voices, more specifically Caesar's voice and growled. I looked the opposite way and turned into shadow once more and slowly went into the shadows to go the long way to where I said I'd be in the letter.

Crixus' POV:

Spartacus, Gannicus, and I raced through the city and made it to the square and jumped onto the Romans closest to us.

Cutting the head of the man in front of me off I spun and cut open a man's belly before kicking the man behind him to the ground and stabbed his throat and looked up to see who was in need of aid.

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