Chapter 2: Detention

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When the bell rang, Raine and Lucas ran as fast as they could so they could be first in line for the cafeteria. When they entered the cafeteria, there were two people in line. It was Danny and Katelyn.

"Hi Katelyn." Raine said softly.

"Hi Raine." Katelyn replied.

Raine wasn't quite sure what was going on with Katelyn today because Katelyn was the type of girl that would gossip about everything and would never shut up. But today, it's nothing like that at all. She is hanging around with Danny and the rest of the football team, which it oddly strange because Katelyn was never really into Jocks. Her type was boys that are geeky and smart. Surprising I know but it's probably because she could get them to do all her homework for her so she wouldn't have to do it.

After Raine and Lucas got their food, they left the cafeteria and went outside to sit on the grass (like they normally would) to eat their lunch. When they sat down, a bunch of girls came over to them. They were Cheerleaders. One of them sat right down next to Raine. It was Alexa 'Alex' Figgins the head cheerleader.

"How come Katelyn gets to be Danny's boyfriend and I can't?" Alex asked with tears running down her cheek.

"I didn't even know they were dating." Raine said looking confused.

Alex replied "oh. Okay goodbye then. Come on girls this loser was no help."

"I'm not a loser, I'm just not popular and I don't want to be popular if being popular means being a snotty, stuck up ass like you." Raine said standing up for herself.
"YAAAAAAAAAS QUEEN!" Lucas shouted.

Raine and Lucas then fist bump before being interrupted by Alex.

"I was just telling the truth sweetheart." Alex said to Raine.

Before Alex could say or do anything else, Raine clenched her fist and threw it into Alexa's flawless face leaving a massive red mark.

"OWWWWWWWW, you bitch!" Alexa screamed.

"Alexa Figgins and Raine Sommers, my office now." Shouted the Principal

Raine then got up and went to the Principal's office. He invited her and Alex into his room and made them sit down in the chairs in front of his desk.

He then said "You both violated the school rules today. You Alexa swore which isn't allowed in this High School and you Raine you punched a student in the face."

"She also swore sir." Alexa interrupted as Raine rolled her eyes.

"Be quite Alexa. Because of this, you both have detention after school for the rest of this week including tonight. Is this understood?" He said making himself clear.

They both shook their heads and left the room.

After they both had left the room, Raine saw Katelyn crying behind a small, bushy tree behind a classroom. She had tears running down her cheeks and her mascara was all over her face. As Raine was walking over to her, Katelyn pulled up her sleeve and Raine saw a bunch of bruises up and down it, including some cuts and scratches. As Raine just stood there looking at them, Katelyn noticed her and pulled down her sleeve quickly.

"Raine." Katelyn said chuckling in a nervous kind of way.
"What was that I just saw in your arm?" Raine asked angrily.

"Oh that, umm my cat jumped at me yesterday and I fell back and hit my arm on my desk." Katelyn replied.

"But you don't even have a ca..." Raine said catching her out.

"Oki bye now." Katelyn said while pushing Raine away whilst still crying.

"But your upset. Okay goodbye then." Raine quickly said whilst being pushed away.

Raine knew that something was up considering Katelyn doesn't even have a cat mainly because she is allergic to them. Raine obviously knew that Katelyn didn't want to talk about it over wise she would of so she didn't question it anymore, kind of like the note she earlier received but I'm sure he would of if she knew what was really happening.

At the end of the school day, Raine went to detention. At the back was the bad guys that are normally there, in the middle was Alexa, and two other girls wearing cheerleader uniforms and at the front was Danny. There weren't many spaces left, so Raine sat down in the front next to Danny. They didn't talk each other for the whole time they were there, but they did look at each other now and then and exchanged some looks. But Raine didn't really trust him considering what she saw earlier to do with Katelyn. As soon as the bell rang, Raine quickly stood up and left as fast as she possibly could without making it awkward.

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