Chapter 14: Explanation

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Hi it's the author of this story...obviously. I just wanted to create an extra chapter explaining the ending. Adam and Lucas!!! I just received a message from a close family member confused and not very happy. Well I just wanted to tell you guys the story behind it.
So right from the beginning i started writing, I wanted Lucas and Adam to have a really weird but fun and loving friendship and I also wanted Lucas to start developing feelings for Adam and it would cause him and Raine to fall out. I didn't make this happen because I didn't really know how to put it in and i wanted to keep the story 'short' and stay in subject. When I wrote Adam, I pictured him to be a caucasian, English Male who is smart, posh and very mysterious.. I also pictured him to be part of the LGBTQ + (preferably Bisexual) but since we don't know anything much about his past, I thought it would be easier to put that in a different story and explore his sexuality. Raine and Adam's relationship is very confusing since it's never really addressed what's going on between the two of them. In the Thirty Years that Raine was in a coma, I feel like Adam would of felt real alone since she was the only one he had connected with since moving to Harper, so he started becoming close with Lucas and somewhere along the line he catches feelings. The problem is that I feel like Lucas is the type of friend that wouldn't get with their friends partner, which is why I didn't put it in originally. I also thought that Adam is the type of person that tends to fall in love not that easily and that he was playing Raine. If you think Raine and Adam are good together, I'd think again. I personally think Adam was playing Raine's feelings and she was really Naive and stupid. She literally knows barely anything about the guy. I do want to say in Adam's behalf that he did fall for Raine along the way but Adam is NOT A GOOD GUY!!! More will be explained in the second one. I don't have any current plans for the second but I am totally up for your guys suggestions and maybe I can sort this whole Raine, Adam Lucas thing. Before I end this, I also wanted to say that Raine is the type of girl that also wouldn't fall in love easily. There is something about Raine and Adam's relationship I didn't mention in the first one and I will make sure to mention it in the second one. That way you will be able to see why it's a good thing Adam got with Lucas. See you guys next time 😊😏.
Thirty Years if Suspicion 2 has yet to be given a name. 
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