Chapter 9: The Funeral

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Two weeks later, it was time for Kara's funeral. Raine was dreading it. The only funeral she had ever been to before was her dad's Mom Wendy. Kara never knew her parents and her Grandad had died before she was born. But Raine was only 3 when Wendy died so she couldn't remember it.

These past few weeks had been living hell for Raine. She had been living in fear. She had no clue when Danny was going to come. He could pop up at any time and try to attack her. Raine knew it was him that killed Kara but she had no evidence so she couldn't tell the police. But she knew that she would find some eventually.

Raine had received a lot of help and support since her Mom's death but she had never felt more alone. Kara had already paid for her funeral a few years back so that was all taken care of. But since she didn't have a will, everything she had was given to Raine. The house wasn't paid for so she couldn't keep that, but she kept everything else. She even wore a black, frilly dress from Kara's wardrobe to the funeral. It was like she was there with her.

Just as Raine was getting ready, Adam arrived at Lucas's to give Raine something. It was a silver locket with a heart. When Raine opened the heart, there was a small photo of her and her Mom that Katelyn had given him. Raine put it around her neck and wore it to the funeral.

When they arrived at the crematorium, there we a load of people that Raine didn't even know. They kept coming up to her saying 'sorry for your loss' when they probably didn't even mean it. There were people from school like the principle and even Alexa. Raine wasn't quite sure why they were there but she really didn't care. It was then time to go into the building.

Raine, Adam, Lucas and Katelyn walked in together and sat in the front pew next to a random woman. Her name was Natalia. Turns out Kara had some long-lost family that tried reaching out but didn't hear anything. Natalia was Kara's biological Mom's sister making her Kara's aunt and Raine's great-aunt. Raine didn't know this at the time.

Raine had decided to read and write the eulogy for Kara and it was time for her to read it out loud.

"My mother was an amazing woman as most of you know. She had worked 3 different jobs just so we had a roof over our heads and not be hungry. After my dad left, she found it hard to take care of a kid not just a kid but a teenager. But she did one hell of a job. She was the nicest, kindest, sweetest human being you would ever meet. No matter what you did she could never be angry at you. She was a loving, devoted and caring woman and it kills me that I can never say thank you to her for being the best Mom and person you could wish for. She was loved and now she will be missed. Goodbye Mom. I'll miss you."

Raine stepped off the podium shredding a few tears and her whole body was shaking. Adam went up and grabbed her before she fell to the ground. He quickly picked her up and they left the building.

Strangers started to come up to Raine again to tell her how much they loved her speech, but she wasn't even listening. All on her mind was how Danny was getting away with a murder and potentially getting ready to commit another one. Raine knew it was coming, she just didn't know when and it frightened her.

They decided to have the wake at Lucas's house and the only people there were, Raine, Adam, Katelyn, Lucas, Lucas's parents, his three brothers, and Natalia.

Raine glanced at Natalia from across the room. She was curious who she was and who invited her. Raine was going to go over to her and ask but as soon as she turned away, she was gone.

Raine looked all over thehouse and couldn't see her anywhere until she went outside into the garden.Natalia was sat on the swing chair crying. Raine looked at her but Nataliadidn't notice her. She then turned away and went to go find her friends. It gotlate fast and Raine was tired, so she decided to go to bed. She took of thedress and the locket and stared at the picture of her and Kara until sheeventually fell asleep. The next morning, Raine got up out of bed, got dressed,ate breakfast, and got ready for school.

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