Chapter 4: Suspicion

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The next day, Raine woke up earlier than the day before because she knew that today was going to be different. And boy wasn't she right. Her first instinct was to go feed her new puppy Elijah. When she got home yesterday, Kara instantly fell in love with him. Raine's Mom then went shopping for some food and brought Elijah back loads of treats, like bones, chew toys, food and drink bowls and a big bag of dog food. He was the most spoiled dog ever.

So, she got out of bed, put her slippers on and went downstairs. Raine grabbed the bag of dog food and put it in Elijah's dog bowl before put water in his drinking one.

At breakfast time, Raine had two pieces of bacon, brown toast with butter, a cup of orange juice and a banana. It was more of a 'brunch' than a breakfast. She then went and cuddled Elijah before going upstairs to get ready. Raine came down the stairs wearing the same thing as yesterday but in different colours and her hair was in French braids. Raine then gave her Mom a kiss goodbye (and Elijah) and then left for school.

When Raine arrived at school, she saw Katelyn and Danny fighting. Her first instinct was to go over to them, but she knew that they wouldn't talk. A few seconds later, she turned around to see if she could see Lucas, but when she turned back around, Katelyn and Danny were gone. After Raine noticed that they were gone, she got a bit worried until she saw Lucas walking up to her. She was still worried about Katelyn, but she wasn't as bothered as before because Raine knew that Lucas would manage to find out what was happening.

As soon as Lucas arrived, he quickly grabbed Raine and hugged her. Raine was really confused because she didn't know what was going on. As soon as he let her go, he began crying. Lucas fell to the floor in his own tears, clenching his fists with sadness and anger.

"Lucas what's wrong?" Raine asked looking concerned.

"Last night I had pizza for dinner, but I didn't eat it all, so I was going to eat it for breakfast this morning, but when I went downstairs earlier, it was gone. One of my idiotic brothers must of ate it." Lucas said dramatically.

Lucas has three brothers. They are called: Matt, Jacob, and Damian.

Damian is 21, at Harvard with a football scholarship and he is oldest child. Matt is the second oldest, who just graduated high school and is 19. He has gone to NYU with a basketball scholarship. Jacob is the twin of Matt and he has also gone to NYU but to study acting.

Lucas was the youngest boy. He also has a sister and she is the youngest out of them all. Her name is Samantha, but people call her Sam or Sammy. Sam and Jacob got on well, because Sam loves to sing, and Jacob would love to act so they would put on family plays and combined the two. When Jacob left, Sam didn't really take it well until last week when they all came back for Spring Break. Their Spring break lasted longer because a pipe recently broke at NYU and Damian didn't really have a reason for why he was already back.

"Really? All of this just because of some stupid pizza?" Raine replied acting disappointed.

"Yes. And pizza isn't stupid." Lucas mentioned angrily.

Raine then saw Katelyn on her own crying again behind the bush. Raine then remembered that she saw bruises and scratches on Katelyn's arm. Raine then had a suspicion that maybe Danny was hitting her but Raine knew that Danny wasn't like that. Well at least that's what she thought. As soon as the bell went, Raine and Lucas went to registration and then straight to their first lesson.

when it was home time, Raine was ready to go home until she remembered that she had detention for the rest of the week. Raine then went back inside the building and went to detention.

In detention today, the only person there was Alexa. No Danny, no 'bad guys', no more cheerleaders and no teacher. Raine thought this was strange because there are normally always at least 10 people there. But not this time. Raine then walked to the back of the room and sat down. For the next two hours. Raine sat there in complete silence. At the end of detention, Raine left the room and went to the parking lot.

In the Parking lot, Raine saw Adam's car but no Adam. She was a bit confused because it was roughly the same time that she saw Adam the other day. Raine then got in her car and pulled away. As she was pulling away, a man was stood behind her car. Before she had a chance to hit him, Raine quickly gets out of her car to see if they were alright. It was Adam.

"Woah! reckless driving their love." Adam said trying not to laugh.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired and I just want to go home." Raine replied trying not to yawn.

"It's okay. Now that I've got you, how about getting a bite to eat after school tomorrow?" Adam asked.

"I can't I've got detention until 5." Raine mentioned.

"Ok then. How about Saturday?" Asked Adam.

"I would love to." Raine replied.

Raine then got back into her car and left the school.

While Raine was driving home, she realised that she doesn't know how old Adam is. She had loads of thoughts like what if he's over 20? What if he's a teacher? He can't be she thought because she would know.

When Raine drove past Katelyn's house, she saw Danny stood in front of Katelyn. When Danny moved, she saw Katelyn crying in tears. Danny then walked towards Katelyn and slapped her on her arm, where the bruises and scratches were. 

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