Chapter 5: The Past is in the Past

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Yesterday, Raine saw something she never thought she would. After Raine saw Danny hit Katelyn, she went straight back home to think about it. She didn't know whether to call the police or to confront him, but Raine thought what if it's a big misunderstanding? He could be innocent, and they were just playing, but he hit her exactly where her bruises were. Raine decided to leave it for a bit to see how it goes, but if she sees anymore 'evidence' of Danny hitting her, Raine was going to report him.

When Raine went to school later that day, she didn't see Katelyn for the whole day, only Danny. Raine would normally think that Katelyn is just sick, but after what she saw the day before, she didn't know anymore. The only thing that kept the thought of Danny hurting Katelyn away was Adam (and Lucas). Raine could not wait until tomorrow. Lucas was also excited because Raine doesn't do anything on the weekends beside staying in bed all day watching tv and eating junk food, so this was a big step for her. Raine's only concern was that all her clothes were 'boy-ish', so she didn't have anything nice to wear.

At the end of detention, Raine saw Danny. She wasn't quite sure whether to go up to him and say anything because if he hits Katelyn, he could hit anyone. Raine was worried for Katelyn and was curious why she was staying with him or why she even got with him in the first place? Raine went up to Danny not sure what to say.

"Danny. What's up?" Raine asked being chill.

"The ceiling, the sky, a tall person." Danny replied acting cocky.

Raine just rolled her eyes and walked away. Raine was one of the shortest people in her year. She was 5'2 while most of the people were 5'7. Raine would always tell herself that she wasn't short, but the other teenagers were just tall.

Even though she knew she was 'short'. Raine didn't really mind it because she liked being short.

When Raine left the school, all that was on her mind was Adam. She wasn't sure why Adam wanted to go out with her because nobody else ever did. Maybe he was new and didn't know Raine's past.

In 8th Grade, Raine and her classmates went on a school trip to Vancouver. Katelyn and Lucas were Partnered up with Raine (because they were best friends) and the others were also partnered up. One day on the trip, they went canoeing. Raine, Lucas and Katelyn were in one canoe and there were 4 other canoes in the lake at the same time. Raine hated canoeing and anything that floated on water. Katelyn was rowing the canoe, but she dropped one of the oars into the lake. Raine got really scared because she didn't know what to do. She was getting so scared that she thought she was going to drown. They were about 15 metres away from the place where the canoes were so, Raine thought that she could swim it. The only problem was that Raine couldn't swim, but she totally forgot about that. She them jumped out of the canoe into the lake. By the time Raine had jumped in, Katelyn had already fished the oar back out of the lake, rowing them back to safety. As soon as Raine started to swim, she started sinking. The school ended up having to call someone to go out and get her and when they got to safety, Raine got so scared that she shat herself. Ever since that day, Raine was called Caepoo. Raine always thought it was a dumb name but the thing that didn't bother her was that Lucas and Katelyn were the only two people that never called her Caepoo. Because of that, nobody wanted to date her. Raine thought it was very weird that Adam never heard that story, so when she got home, she started to 'investigate'.

At home, Raine got the piece of paper that Adam gave her with his phone number on it. That was when she noticed the rip in the bottom of it. Raine knew that she had saw a rip like that somewhere before, but she couldn't quite remember. Raine then got hungry so she went to the kitchen to get some food.

When Raine entered her kitchen, she grabbed a bag of chips(crisps) and a chocolate bar. When she grabbed the chocolate bar, a box fell out of the cupboard. That was when Raine remembered the BEWARE note. She then opened the box and grabbed the paper out of it. It wasn't a whole piece of paper and at the bottom of it was rip. Raine then quickly grabbed the piece of paper with Adam's number on it and lined it up with the BEWARE note. It lined up perfectly.

Raine went back into the living room, grabbed some tape, and tapped it back together. Raine knew this wasn't a coincidence. So many thoughts were running through Raine's brain. Why would Adam send me a note with Beware on it? How did he know where I live? How does he know me? But the main question Raine was asking herself was, what should I be aware of?

Raine then decided that she needed to find out the truth about Adam, Danny, and Katelyn.

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