Chapter 8: This is only the beginning

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Every time Raine thought about her first kiss, she would imagine her standing in the rain arguing at the boy she was about to kiss. She would say to them that whatever you do, you go running back to her. No matter how much she hurts you, you just can't resist her. And then they would reply saying

"Is that what you really think of me?"

He would then run up to Raine, grab her and kiss her just like that. They would then stop look at each other and laugh and would say that this is so cliche. But then Raine would nod back off to reality. But this kiss was even better. It's not what you see in every romantic movie made. It was different. Unique. Romantic and with the person she thought was sensible and good enough for her. Raine just couldn't believe it.

When Raine arrived back home, she instantly ran upstairs, grabbed a towel, and went into the bathroom for a long, warm bath. Raine hated baths because she thought it was disgusting to sit in a tub full of your own dirt. But she decided that she needed to get all the lovey dovey stuff out of her system. As she was lying in the bathtub, she remembered what happened earlier at Katelyn's house. It scared her. She was scared she was never going to be safe again. She was pretty much right.

After Raine got out of the tub, she had 17 missed calls from her Mom. She put her phone on silent earlier and forgot to turn it back on again. She tried ringing her Mom back, but no one answered.

Raine walked into her room, to find her window smashed with a note tied to a rock. Raine untied the rope that was connecting the paper and the rock and unscrambled the piece of paper.


This time it wasn't Adam. It wasn't a ripped piece of paper and Raine knew that Adam would spell it's with an apostrophe. There was only one other person it could be. Danny.

Raine realised that it said 'first it's her' but that couldn't have been Katelyn since Danny would have killed her ages ago. Raine also realised that her Mom called her and then wouldn't answer when she tried to ring her back. Leaving Raine to think that Danny had taken her mother. When Raine started to get worried, someone walked through the door. Raine's heart was beating fast and then it got faster and faster until someone walked through the door. Raine had closed her eyes and had her fingers crossed hoping it would be her mother. When she opened her eyes, she saw... Lucas holding an unconscious body in his arms whilst pouring his eyes out with tears. It was Kara.

"I- I saw her lying there bleeding outside the back. I should have called 911 first but I didn't know what else to do. "Lucas said shaking with fear.

"Place her down in the couch over there. I'll call 911 and you check for a pulse."

Lucas nodded and carefully placed Kara down on the couch and checked for a pulse. He couldn't find one

"An ambulance is on its way. The operator said not to move her but to try and find a pulse and if you can't find one, try CPR." Raine said to Lucas nervously.

Lucas then Gave Kara CPR, but nothing. Nothing happened.

About fifteen minutes later, an ambulance and a paramedic arrived. They came rushing in and escorted Raine and Lucas outside. They were pouring out with tears and were fearing for the worst. They were standing outside for a good five minutes before they heard anything. Then the paramedic and two other doctors, walked outside wearing these big blue suits, with a body bag and a stretcher. They had no idea what had happened but one thing they knew for sure was that Kara, Kara was gone.

Raine thought that her life was over. All the family she had left was Elijah. Since her dad was never home and she was an only child, she had nowhere to stay. Lucas's family said it was okay for her to live there for a while until they graduated school and go off to college. That never happened for Raine. 

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