Chapter 6: Unravelling the Truth

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The next day, Raine decided to call Katelyn and Lucas to see if they wanted to hang out before her date with Adam. Unfortunately, Lucas was busy catching up with homework, but Katelyn was free.

Raine arranged to meet Adam at Harper (a small café just outside of Harper Lake ran by the founders of the town) at twelve so that gave Raine roughly 2 hours to meet up with Katelyn. Raine then left and went over to Kaetlyn's.

When Raine arrived at Katelyn's, she noticed that the windows were smashed, and the door had been kicked in. There was shattered glass on the concrete floor outside of the house and rock that laid perfectly on the porch outside the front door. She wasn't quite sure what had happened or if it was safe to go on in. But Raine went on in anyway.

Since the door had already been kicked in, she didn't need to knock or ring the doorbell. Inside the house was perfectly fine so whatever had happened didn't cause much damage to the inside of the house. After Raine left the living room she saw a gold bracelet lying on the kitchen floor surrounded by broken glass and a splash of something that looked just like blood.

Raine was suspicious because at Harper High, everyone one on the football team all wear a gold bracelet, so people know who they are. It's like a Letterman jacket but cooler and more expensive.

But this bracelet wasn't just a bracelet worn by one of the football players, it was the one that belongs to the quarterback. The quarterback bracelet is better than an ordinary one because in the middle of it is a silver hedgehog (the team's mascot) and the initials of the player. On the bottom of the bracelet was the letters DA as in Danny Andrews.

All up the staircase was more splashes of what looked to be blood. It was dripping of every stair and it formed a small, round puddle in the centre of each one as if it were trained to do that. Raine walked up the staircase that led to three bedrooms and a bathroom.

The first bedroom belonged to Evan and Candace Simmons (Katelyn's parents) the biggest room out of them all.

The second room belonged to Katelyn. It was a very spacious room, and everything was pink. She had a king-sized bed with a pink frame, mattress, and a pink duvet cover with a red rose in the middle.

And the third bedroom belonged to Katelyn's older brother Aidan. Aidan died a few years before Katelyn was born, so she never met him but all she knew was that her parents could never love her as much as they loved Aidan or live up to their expectations. Aidan was 9 years older than Katelyn and he was 6 when he died. Aidan was diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of 4 and died 2 years later. It wasn't unexpected but it was sooner than Evan and Candice thought.

Raine heard a scream come from Katelyn's room, so she rushed down the hallway and ran into the room. Katelyn was tied up to a chair and a bandanna was hanging down on her neck, that she managed to get out of her mouth.

"Oh my god, Katelyn are you okay?" Raine asked shaking.

Katelyn shook her head.

"I'm so happy to see you. Can you untie me please? Katelyn asked with a sigh.

After Raine untied Katelyn from the chair, Katelyn explained everything to Raine.

Just after Raine called Katelyn to see if she was free, Danny came to the house. Katelyn and Danny had just fallen out, so he wasn't happy. When he got there Katelyn wouldn't let him inside, so he kicked the door in and smashed the windows with a rock he found. He then saw Katelyn in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water and as soon as she heard the glass shatter and the door being kicked in, she dropped her glass of water causing her to cut herself (which explains the blood). Danny went into the kitchen and grabbed Katelyn from behind. Katelyn tried to pull Danny off her but as she tried to pull him away, she grabbed his bracelet and yanked it off his wrist. After that, Danny dragged her up the stairs and tied her to a pink chair he found in her room and pulled the bandanna off his head and stuffed it in Katelyn's mouth. Just as this happened, he saw Raine pull up outside of the house so, Danny ran downstairs and left out of the back door. Katelyn also mentioned how he was abusing and threatening her. Raine then decided to ring an ambulance but Katelyn forced her not to call the police because she didn't want Danny to hurt her.

The time now was 11:54, so Raine only had six minutes to get to Harper's.

"Go." Katelyn told Raine.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." Raine said whilst rushing out of the bedroom door.

On her way out of the house, Raine saw a ripped piece of paper, liked he one she received, that read...


Raine wasn't quite sure what it meant by that or where there were coming from, but she was sure that Adam was somehow linked to this.

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