Chapter 7: Lunch date at Harper

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Harper's was (and still is) the most historical place in Harper Lake. Harper Stewart was the one who founded Harper Lake after she saw the lake running through the town. It's called Harper Lake because she is the founder of the town and since she found it, the council thought it should be named after her and the lake.

She was only 19 when she came to Harper, but She is in her late 70s now and still runs the cafe. Harper and her Husband Michael, now run Harper's, which is where they met when Harper was 23 and running the place. After Michael started to help her run the place, he thought it would be wrong to change the name.

They got married 50 years ago when Harper was 28 and Michael was 30. They have 3 beautiful kids called Simon, Ellie, and Charlie. Simon is the eldest and has 2 kids of his own and a grandchild on the way. Ellie is the second eldest who also has 2 children. Charlie is the youngest and has 3 children and they are triplets. Simon is 54, Ellie is 49 and Charlie is 46.

Simon's children are called Lance, who is 31, and Phoebe, who is 27. One boy and one girl. Simon's son Lance and his fiance Kelly are expecting their first born and they are keeping the gender a secret. (it's a girl). Ellie's children are called Billy, who is 28 and Carter who is 26. They are both boys.

And Charlie's children are called Ben, Anne, and Stanley. They are 26 years old and awfully close. The Stewart's family is big, and it is only just starting to form.

Raine has been to Harper's A few times before with Katelyn and Lucas but this was the first, she started to take notice to it. The cafe was painted a baby blue colour and there was a pacific wall which had a sunset painted on to it.

There were family pictures all around the cafe and pictures of some celebrities with their signature on the bottom but Raine didn't have a clue who any of them were.

All the tables were round and could fit roughly 4 people on. The best table to sit at was the one by the arched window because it has the best view of Harper Lake from it. You could see the blue, glistening lake streaming down from the hills where it starts and see it form into a lake and travel down through the town.

Raine had to make sure that she sat on that table for her date. When Adam walked into the cafe, Raine pointed him over to where she wanted to sit, and they went there and sat down. Raine realised that she didn't know much about Adam and all she really knew was his name, where he lives and that they are neighbours. Oh, and that he sent her a note with BEWARE written on it. She thought this would be the right time to get to know him better.

"I don't actually know your age. For all I know you could be 30." Raine said trying not to be rude.

Adam let out a small giggle of laughter before replying.

"I'm 20. Soon to be 21."

Raine wasn't that shocked because she knew that he was bound to be older but that just made her even more curious.

"So, what are you doing at Harper High then?" Raine asked with a serious look on her face.

"I'm a teacher there. Well a teacher in training. You see I'm not technically qualified to teach yet, so I'm more like an intern than a teacher." Adam replied.

Raine was kind of happy that he is working there because that meant that she could see him a lot more, but she was sure it was forbidden to 'date' a teacher.

"What do you want to teach?"

Adam hesitated for a split second before replying.

"I'm not really sure, but I do love Maths so probably Maths but I'm really good at history."

Raine wasn't very keen on maths since she didn't understand fractions or algebra and she though history was stupid because it's all about the past, so it isn't really important.

"You could end up being my maths or history teacher." Raine said while laughing.

They both started to laugh until they stopped and started to stare into each other's eyes. But that didn't last long.

"What can I get you today?" Ellie asked politely.
Ellie helps now and again at the cafe and it just happened to be her to take their order.

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake and a side of fries and whatever he's having." Raine said with a smile on her face.

"I'll have the same." Adam replied.

"thank you." They both replied simultaneously.

"No problem." Ellie replied also with a smile on her face.

Ellie was a very friendly person just like Raine but Raine had a problem talking to people she didn't know. Luckily for Raine, she had met Ellie before and when she met Adam, she felt like she had to do something.

About 10 minutes later, their food arrived. Every time Raine went to a cafe she would always get a vanilla milkshake and fries even if she wanted a cheeseburger or a big fat sandwich. This is because, she didn't want people to judge her on how much she eats or drinks even though she was in perfect shape. She could eat 3 whole double bacon cheeseburgers and still look the exact same and not put on any weight. People envied her because of that, and it was like she was immune to everyone around her and she always thought the worst of herself. That was until Adam. He taught her to love yourself not for what you are, but for who you are. She really believed that he could change her. Make her feel more comfortable around strangers, make her be able to trust again and make her be able to love again.

Adam was completely head over heels for his neighbour. He was falling in Love with Raine. He wanted to be with her 24/7. He wanted to protect her from the bad guys that tried to hurt her. Even though he totally knew that she could defend herself. He wanted to make her be able to trust and love again and not just make her love someone else but to be able to love herself.

Raine had only been broken by one man in her life and that was her dad. He would make promises that he couldn't keep. He would get up early in the morning and not come home until late in the night. He would read bedtime stories to Raine every night until he didn't anymore. He would give her a kiss on the head and say

"I love you." Until he stopped.

Raine knew deep down that he meant it, but he just didn't show it. He acted like he didn't have a care for anyone or anything in the world except from money and himself. That is why Raine couldn't trust or love anyone again because when her father let her down and when he stopped telling her he loved her, it broke her and she finally picked up all the broken pieces and put herself back together again and because of that, she forbids to let anyone else break her heart like her father did because she wouldn't be able to take it anymore. The betrayal. The Lies. But most importantly, the pain.

After Raine and Adam ate their food, they paid and left. They went out to the parking lot where their cars were and got ready leave.

"I really enjoyed that." Adam said to Raine reaching out for her hand.

Raine grabbed his hand before replying.

"yeah me too." Raine replied with a grin on her face.

"I would love to do this again sometime." Adam mentioned to Raine hoping she would agree.

Raine nodded and then she let go of Adam's hand before getting into her car. Adam suddenly stopped her and spun her backed around so that she was now facing him. Adam then grabbed Raine, pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her lips. She had no lipstick on, which was good for Adam, and it felt like fireworks and the longest minute of their lives. Then they stopped and were just starring at each other as if something bad had just happened.

"Bye Adam." Raine replied trying to catch her breath.

Adam waved and then they both got into their cars and drove off in the same direction. Awkward Raine thought.

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