Chapter 13: Thirty Years Later

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Raine was lying there. Unconscious. Bleeding to death. The police officers tried their hardest to stop bleeding. But could they? They called an ambulance and hoped for the best.


No one has seen Danny since. It was a complete mystery. Danny disappeared into thin air and managed to get away from the cops before they could hand cuff him.

Katelyn and Lucas were now 48 and still living in Harper Lake. And so was Adam. Katelyn was happily married to a guy she met at college called Alec Smith and they had 2 beautiful children named Alessia and Brianna (sound familiar?) . Lucas wasn't married but was living with his boyfriend...Adam! They had adopted a son 12 years ago and his name is Grayson.

"Hello. This is Jenny calling from Harper Lake General." A nurse said sweetly.

Katelyn was at home, Reading a book when she got this phone call. She wasn't quite sure what it was about at first, until the nurse carried on speaking. Katelyn then jumped out of bed in excitement and drove over to Lucas and Adam's house.

She was banging on the door for a good while before anyone answered.

"Good god what is so important that you had to wake me up at 7am in the morning for?" Lucas asked still half a sleep.

Katelyn quickly replied with "She's awake."

Lucas's face dropped.

"ADAMMMMM." He shouted.

Adam then got up and came downstairs. Lucas and Katelyn told him the good news. They then got dressed and drove straight to the hospital. Grayson slept at a friend's house that previous night and Alec was with the kids, so they weren't left on their own.

When they arrived at the hospital, they all very quickly, jumped out of the car and ran into the building. They were roaming the halls and running up the stairs until they reached the right floor. Floor six, ward A. Lucas was especially excited because he realised that he just burnt all of those calories. Classic Lucas. They then quickly ran into the room they were searching for (even though they knew where it was).

In the room was a nurse comforting the patient they came to see. They were barely sitting up and looked like they had just woken up from a long sleep. The patient looked so confused.

W-where am I?" She asked.

Katelyn, Lucas, and Adam all looked down at her.

"My sweet dear Raine! You've missed out on a lot. The year is 2020 and something bad happened to you. For the last past thirty years, you have been in a coma." Katelyn said softly and quietly."

"WHAT!" Raine gasped.


Author's note: This story will have a sequel to do with what happened in the thirty years Raine was in a coma. Like how Adam and Lucas got together (PLOT TWIST) and how Katelyn met Alec and maybe even where Danny went. You'll have to wait and see😉. 

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